The Phantom Sister Lucy Theory: An Attempt to Derail a Criminal Investigation

The Phantom Sister Lucy Theory: An Attempt to Derail a Criminal Investigation
Let’s start from the beginning. The Sister Lucy Truth investigation has spent the last 7 years collecting photographic, video, and handwriting evidence to document the life of Sister Lucy dos Santos, the Seer of the Fatima Apparitions from May to October 1917. From the beginning, we have made it our goal to follow the evidence with an empirical/forensic investigation that puts aside all theological controversies that, although important, do not relate to the matter at hand, whether there was an imposter put in the place of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima and, if there was, who was she. This monumental task has been undertaken meticulously, with the help of many experts who have employed their unique and recognized expertise to the questions that this investigation has raised. After these 7 years, we can state with moral certainty that there was an imposter that first appeared in public on May 13, 1967. Even though this is not as certain as the above, we can also infer that the real Sister Lucy was no longer on the scene by 1960. The lack of photographic evidence showing the real Sister Lucy post-1959, along with the statement by the diocese of Leiria/Fatima that “Sister Lucia has no more to say about Fatima,” strongly points to the fact that the real Sister Lucy was no longer on the scene. We have looked for real, undeniable evidence that would show that the real Lucy was on the scene post-1959, but we have found no such convincing evidence. The convincing evidence is that the real Sister Lucy was on the scene possessing her own persona through most of the 1950s, and, also, the convincing evidence shows that the imposter Sister Lucy had fully taken over the persona of the real Sister Lucy by at least 1967. This information that we have put out has gained an international audience. It has even forced the Fatima Center to acknowledge the reality of an imposter Sister Lucy since 1967 and has even provoked the Fatima Shrine to send an interviewer to the Carmelite Convent at Coimbra, Portugal to interview two of the Carmelites about the claims concerning an imposter Sister Lucy. Not all that we would want, but steps in the right direction.
Then enters the Phantom Sister Lucy Theory. The Phantom Lucy Theory holds that the real Sister Lucy co-existed in peace and acceptance alongside the imposter Sister Lucy. The purveyors of this theory would have the real Sister Lucy existing into the 21st century, meeting with priests and laymen, interacting with the nuns in her convent, sending detailed correspondence, and, generally, living the life of a normal Carmelite nun…while someone else assumed her persona before the world, popes, cardinals, bishops, interviewers, and the world media. This implausible theory was conceived of to avoid the harsh implications of the Sister Lucy Investigation. They are, that the Seer of Fatima was clearly removed and eliminated from the scene, in one way or another, at the instigation, or at least the go-ahead, of those who controlled the institutional organization of the Catholic Church, that is the Vatican, and, through simple logical inference, the highest officeholder in the Vatican, the pope. Such is a profound accusation, but one that is rationally unavoidable.
How could any theory avoid the harsh inferences that must be made in light of the evidence? Very simple. Simply posit that the real Seer of Fatima as there all along, going along with the charade. The real Sister Lucy allowed someone else to assume her identity and went along with the imposture for some 40 years or more. Even supported it. According to this theory, the real Lucy was an accomplice to one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated by officials of the Catholic Church.
In the view of Sister Lucy Truth, far from being merely a benign attempt to unravel the mystery of what happened to Sister Lucy, the Phantom Sister Lucy Theory is an attempt to both derail and render meaningless a criminal investigation, but it is also an attempt to save the reputations of the occupiers of the Vatican by smearing the reputation of the real Sister Lucy herself. First, let us think of how implausible such a scenario is. What are the mathematical odds of the story of the imposter Sister Lucy coming to light, over the course of some 45 years, if literally thousands of people would have encountered the real Sister Lucy through private encounter or through correspondence. Literally all of those who interacted with the real Sister Lucy would have been potential whistle-blowers, capable of pointing out the fraud. She herself could have collapsed the entire scheme by just trying to get out a Vatican-contrary statement through means of a cooperating turn-sister, a supportive confessor, or a family member. If she somehow appeared herself in the public eye after, say 30 years of being portrayed by another (i.e., the Imposter), the entire house of cards built by those who were invested in the New Sister Lucy would instantly collapse and draw the ire of the entire Catholic world. Would those who would have her disappear from the public eye, ever risk such a thing? Would they ever risk Father X, who spoke to the real Sister Lucy in some back room of the Convent of Coimbra, telling Bishop 1X that the woman he met with was not the same woman that was shown meeting with John Paul II? Bishop 1X could have told, even off handedly, Orthodontist 2X that he had heard about a fake Sister Lucy. Then Orthodontist 2X could have told Orthodontist Wife 3X that he had heard there was a fake Sister Lucy. And so on and so on. Never mind if the real Sister Lucy is not only communicating with Father X, but also, with Fathers Y, Z, A, B, and C. You get my point. The chances are infinitesimally small that the Imposture would not be revealed. If those who were smart enough to figure out how to switch out one Sister Lucy for another “Sister Lucy,” they would certainly be smart enough to realize that such a scheme, while keeping around the real Sister Lucy, would be totally implausible if not insanely stupid. Mathematically speaking, the Phantom Sister Lucy Theory does not add up.
To this indictment of the Phantom Sister Lucy Theory, we must add the fact that if this theory should be true, the real criminality would be on the part of the real Sister Lucy, the woman who saw and spoke to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, an angel, and had an apparition of the Most Holy Trinity. Whereas the Vatican and its accomplices in this charade would be only guilty of orchestrating a bit of playacting in the entire Sister Lucy case, the real Sister Lucy herself could be charged with many crimes. For instance, cooperation in identity fraud and cooperation in voting fraud. She would also have been demurely silent concerning her main mission in life, which was to have revealed the contents of the Third Secret and to personally ensure that the Message of Fatima was followed in its fullness. She would have gone along with the Imposter saying to Carlos Evaristo that the Consecration of Russia does not mean the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith, but rather, to Liberal Democracy. She would have stayed silent in the face of the Imposter saying that Our Lady did not actually want the Third Secret revealed by 1960 or that Our Lady wanted the Third Secret revealed to the Catholic faithful at all. She would have also gone along with the liturgical revolution, the Neo-Modernist Vatican II doctrinal revolution, and the heretical religious liberty doctrine that brought about the end of the last Catholic States in the world. Living into the 21st century, she would have remained a phantom presence, saying nothing as John Paul II, Cardinals Ratzinger, Bertone, and Sodano distorted the very meaning of the Third Secret by giving it the absurd spin that it was about the assassination attempt against John Paul II that occurred in 1981. She would have accepted that a message whose release she impatiently waited for prior to 1960, as did the entire Catholic World, was about an unsuccessful shooting that would not happen until 1981. A 20-year warning to duck!
Sister Lucy Truth asks those presenting the Phantom Sister Lucy Theory to drop the historical fiction and to focus on the verifiable crime and help us achieve justice for Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima.
A few questions good Dr. Now that Trump is back and the investigation is much more progressed than four years ago, are there any possible contacts or avenues to try and pursue getting any classified documents released relating to all Sr Lucia?
ReplyDeleteSecondly, where is the investigation headed now? More reports or a new phase?
Wonder who signed Sr Lucia 2 death cert .The beatication ceremony of Francisco and Jacinta was sinister ,who puts black candles on the Altar for two children 's beatification Mass.
ReplyDeleteThis video claims that the seer of Tre Fontaine was in communication with Sr Lucia ,and that she requested to make a radio broadcast to the world ,her request was denied.