Fr. Luigi Villa's Investigation of Ecclesiastical Masonry sets the Background for the Investigation Now Engaged in by Sister Lucy Truth. From an Article Submitted by a Friend of Sister Lucy Truth.

Don Luigi Villa dedicated his life to defending the Church of Christ against the attacks of ecclesiastical masonry. 

Murder attempts against Father Villa! 

Father Luigi Villa's magazine, Chiesa Viva, was not directly attacked because its deputy director was the famous professor Dietrich von Hildebrand, a Protestant who converted to Catholicism at the age of twenty-four, whom Paul VI knew and feared. Pope Pius XII informally nicknamed him the “Doctor of the Church of the 20th century.” 
Cardinal Giovanni Benelli wrote SO a letter to each theologian working for the magazine, their ordering their association to be terminated . Father Villa learned this action of the Holy See and he knew that from now on This would be a “ scorched earth policy ”. 
His enemies , with the help of clerics preferring a life without worries , launched a smear campaign : the good priest was suddenly “ lazy ,” “ fascist ,” “ anti-Semitic ,” and “out of the Church .” 
This is reminiscent of the methods that certain corrupt political parties use today in the media against any opposition that dares denounce their drift ! 
Don Villa will also be described as a “heretic”, “extremist” and “destroyer of Charity”. 
This was just the “warm-up” session! The next phase consisted of late night phone calls with more insults, more slander, more slander and vulgarity. 
Gangsters could not have done better ! This lasted a very long time . But Chiesa Viva continued , imperturbable and did not let itself be silence . 
This is when the assassination attempts against Father Luigi Villa began... 
The first took place when Father Villa was returning from Rome to Brescia by car. Just before arriving at the town of Arezzo, the road on the right followed a cliff of more than 100 meters. That's when he realized another car was following him, and as he approached the cliff, that car pulled up next to him and tried to push him off the cliff. By divine Providence, a police car arrived and passed Father Villa and the other car. 
The Father honked his horn , and at the same time, the car that had hit him hung fled​​ in haste . 
When the good Father told this episode with Cardinal Palazzino in presence of a teacher named Gedda, he replied : " We are SO at war." 
Once again , Father Villa traveled by car to return visit his friend Father Berni, in Vicenza . He had left the highway to take the road leading to the residence of Father Berni, when suddenly his limbs - hands and legs - were paralyzed . 
Someone had given him medicine, but he didn't know where it came from or who was responsible. At a bend in the road, the Father , whose eyes were wide open , saw the car tip towards a deep channel . Everything happened like in a dream , he was paralyzed and unable to do anything either to save herself , when , just as the car reached the canal , she stopped suddenly of herself . It was a miracle! As soon as the car stopped, the paralysis lifted. The car also started again, and he was able to continue driving without further hindrance. Whatever medicine he had been given had worn off. 
A few months later, the Father visited a priest he thought was friendly. After finishing his lunch with a cup of coffee, he returned home. Along the way, he began to feel ill, so much so that he had to immediately consult his doctor, who declared that he had been poisoned. The Father was in danger of death, but the doctor managed to save him. Just before this incident, number 231 of Chiesa Viva had been published with the list of cardinal masons and other Vatican officials. 

Premeditated failures! 

Many initiatives and projects that Father Villa attempted to implement were hampered by ecclesiastical masonry, even under the pontificate of Pius XII. For example, as early as 1953, shortly after his incardination in the diocese of Ferrara, the Father Villa had conceived a large missionary Movement, the IMI (International Missionary Institute), mainly composed of technicians, but this initiative was quickly stopped. In 1957, Father Villa founded the "Euro-Afro-Asian" Movement, linked to his magazine of the same name, for which he had obtained authorization from his bishop, Mgr Giambattista Bosio. However, this movement was also short-lived, as it was blocked. Another journal he had considered, "Colloque Orient-Occident", intended to deal with "non-Christian religions", was also prevented from the first edition. Moreover, he was prevented from founding a "Center of Theologians" aimed at combating the resurgence of "Modernism" and "Progressivism" within the Church. This directive was issued directly by Mgr. Giovanni Benelli, Pro-Secretary of State of Paul VI. However, Father Villa managed to organize three congresses despite these obstacles:1. The First Congress of Rome on the theme of “Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy” (October 1-4, 1974).2. The Florence Congress entitled “Woman in the light of Catholic theology” (September 16-18, 1975). 
3. The Second Congress of Rome on the theme “ Christianity and Communism atheist " ( September 20-22, 1977). 
If the presence of cardinals at the two congresses in Rome prevented Mgr Benelli from intervening directly, during the Congress of Florence the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Florit, received the order to Rome to forbid the participation of all Florentine clergy 
Regretting this decision, the cardinal immediately communicated it to Father Villa and promised to send a bishop to preside over the congress, which was done. Other initiatives took place. were thwarted, notably the creation of a "third branch" of lay nuns to assist various missionary institutes, as well as the recruitment of "vocations" for the priesthood. However, these projects were misguided and ended up becoming secularized. Father Villa personally entered around fifty young men into missionary seminaries, preparing them to become priests. It was now obvious that Father Villa was forbidden to act, or even to implement projects in favor of the defense of the Catholic faith. He refused large donations of property and money, preferring to remain poor to avoid becoming involved in financial and economic matters. He wanted to preserve his freedom to fulfill the mission he had received from Padre Pio and Pius XII: to help the Church recover from the nebulous situation where it was prey to attacks from ecclesiastical Freemasonry. 

The intense struggle of Father Villa! 

If Father Villa obtained audiences with Pius XII, who received him warmly, under the pontificate of Paul VI it was not the same. Quite the contrary! He was publicly ignored by the Pontiff who did not even look at him, even when Villa offered him books. To lead the intense struggle that Padre Pio had entrusted to him, Father Lui Villa needed a public means that would be free from pressure ecclesiastics. Bishop Bosio suggested that he join the Order of Journalists and found his own magazine, which he did. This publication is called Chiesa Viva. Thus, Chiesa Viva will have correspondents on all continents. The first issue was published in September 1971. In Vienna, on December 14 of that same year, he met Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty (victim of communism in Hungary in 1948!), who had been publicly humiliated and degraded by Paul VI because he did not support the Pontiff's pro-communist relations and had left Rome. The cardinal read the entire first issue of Chiesa viva and was so enthusiastic about it that he signed the copy he had read. At the end of the interview, which lasted two and a half hours, Joseph Mindszenty said to Father Villa: "Believe me, Paul VI delivered entire Christian countries into the hands of communism." But Montini had done much more than that . Father Villa would discover it later: during the Second World War it turned out that he was an agent of the Soviets and that he had denounced to Stalin the presence of numerous Catholic priests hunted by the regime. As his Memoirs revealed , Mindszenty arrested and drugged by the communist regime, said he was betrayed by the Vatican policy of rapprochement with communism led by Paul VI under the direction of Mgr. Casaroli... 

Sister Lucy of Fatima! 

Cardinal Ottaviani had expressed the wish that Don Villa meet Sister Lucia of Fatima. Don Villa, provided with all the required official authorizations, went to the bishop of Coimbra. However, the bishop could not resist contacting the Vatican directly, in particular Bishop Benelli, who was listed as a Freemason on the "Pecorelli List". Benelli, after having established contact with Paul VI, transmitted to Don Villa the refusal to meet Sister Lucy. Despite a ten-day siege in Portugal, Don Villa did not succeed in meeting the visionary of Fatima. It seemed that Masonry had already deployed several Masonic "watchdogs" to prevent anyone from gathering compromising information for this accursed sect. Back in Italy, Don Villa shared his failure with Cardinal Ottaviani. The latter immediately wrote to Paul VI, becoming aware of the latter's constant double game and the influence of the powerful mason Benelli. From the reign of Paul VI, Don Villa was never again invited to the Vatican, although he had had the opportunity to have lunch with many bishops and cardinals under Pius XII. All his initiatives aimed at reviving the defense of the Catholic faith were systematically sabotaged, whether they were movements, organizations or conferences. He also faced several attempts at corruption through money or the donation of important assets. 
For example, Don Villa categorically refused a tempting offer from two rich Americans who offered him several billion lire to sell his magazine "Chiesa Viva". He also rejected a strange offer from an American billionaire lawyer, willing to pay a fortune to found a movement to destroy the traditional Church, with the aim of creating a new Church "new and triumphant". This shows to what extent the Counter-Church had identified in him a formidable adversary, disrupting their infiltration plans. Their usual tactic consisted of offering attractive sidings to neutralize a major enemy... 

Father Villa's "Stations of the Cross"! 

After the death of Pope Pius XII, a new phase, known as Father Villa's "Way of the Cross", had begun. The policy of the Vatican henceforth consisted of ignoring him and making him forget because of the sacred mission entrusted to him by Padre Pio to unmask the prelates who were traitors to Christ who had converted to Freemasonry and to denounce them publicly, a mission of which he strived to carry out with zeal. However, despite this hostility, Father Villa miraculously survived seven assassination attempts, thanks to divine protection. For example, one day Don Villa found himself confronted by a young man who suddenly hit him violently in the face with a brass knuckle, shouting at him: "There is a devil on this earth!" This altercation left Don Villa with injuries in the face, including the loss of some teeth, forcing him to go to a pharmacy for treatment. His life was also in danger during his stay in Haiti, where he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. It appears that this attack was orchestrated by soldiers, potentially acting under the influence of local Masonic lodges. Freemasons were numerous on this West Indian island, and they had probably heard of Don Villa's disturbing investigations into their activities... Agostino Casaroli, a fervent public defender of the heretical pantheist theologian Teilhard de Chardin, served as Secretary of State under the pontificate of John Paul II. Jean Villot also assumed this function ... 
Additionally, it is worth mentioning the case emblematic of Cardinal Mindszenty. 
Many other cardinals, whom most faithful Catholics would probably not recognize, have also been associated with Freemasonry. This raises concerns and constitutes tangible evidence that Freemasonry aimed to subvert the Catholic Church for its own purposes. They prided themselves on not needing a Freemason pope, but simply a pope who would adhere to their ideas and would be ready to maintain Masonic ties, including within the episcopate. This threat was not so not in vain ... 

Who was Carmine Pecorelli? 

He was the author of the 1978 "Pecorelli List", identifying 120 Vatican prelates who were members of Freemasonry, including their dates of entry, code numbers and acronyms. 
Carmine Pecorelli, better known as Mino Pecorelli, was an extraordinary journalist , lawyer and writer . Originally from Sessano in Molise, born June 14, 1928 and assassinated in Rome on March 20, 1979. 
He had the chance to run a real newspaper for a short time before his tragic disappearance. Before that, he wrote for a very narrow circle of readers, but his rare ability to obtain information allowed him to reveal often surprising truths. 
He was not just confined to journalism , he was also a lawyer and writer , although for some he is mostly known like a blackmailer. In fact , he had information compromising on many politicians. After having obtained his law degree , he started its career as a lawyer specializing in bankruptcy law . Later he became press manager for Minister Fiorentino Sullo, which marked the beginning of his career as a journalist. 
Its news agency, OP (Osservatorio Politico – Political Observatory), was originally focused on politics. Pecorelli had established links with high-ranking figures in politics and the secret services, which allowed him to obtain scoops and confidential information. 
OP was read by the political elite . 
In March 1978, Pecorelli transformed his agency in a weekly magazine available on newsstands , making it thus accessible to the general public. 
This decision coincided almost exactly with the kidnapping of Aldo Moro (by the Red Brigades), which fueled speculation. 
He was a difficult man to control , that we called a " free electron ". He accepted sometimes money to keep silent , but he published also information​ that he had promised to keep secret . It was claimed that he was under the influence of Licio Gelli (head of the powerful Masonic lodge P.2, or Propaganda Due). Among her favorite targets was Giulio Andreotti, who was later accused of being involved in his murder. 
On March 20, 1979, Pecorelli was murdered in his car, a few steps from the OP editorial office. He had just finished laying out the newspaper and was preparing to leave the premises when shots were fired. Strangely, only the cover of the newspaper, featuring Andreotti with the headline "The President's Checks", was found. The interior pages had mysteriously disappeared. Investigators examined all leads, considering the possibility that those responsible for Pecorelli's murder could come from different backgrounds. The weapon used quickly turned the investigation towards the Banda della Magliana, a group linked to the far right and the mafia. In 1993, mafia boss Tommaso Buscetta implicated Giulio Andreotti in the murder. The trial that followed saw Andreotti first acquitted on September 24, 1999, then sentenced on appeal to 24 years in prison on November 17, 2002, and finally definitively acquitted on October 30, 2003 by the Court of Cassation. To this day , Pecorelli's murder still remains unsolved... 

Father Villa's investigation was progressing! 

During these years , Father Villa worked secretly under the direction of Cardinal Ottaviani , collecting evidence on high Church leaders​ Catholic involved in Freemasonry . Thus, he was well known within the police and other similar agencies. In September 1978, during the brief 30-day pontificate of Pope John Paul I, the "Pecorelli List" appeared in Political Observer, the magazine of lawyer Mino Pecorelli, which did not surprise Father Villa, because the Vatican had already become aware of certain names and had discarded them before the publication of the list. 
One of the most notable cases concerned Cardinal Joseph Suenens, who was forced to leave his post in Brussels. 
What made its particularly notable situation is that he was both a Freemason and married , living with his son . 
Another cardinal affiliated with Freemasonry​ was Achille Lienart . Both were liberals​ during the Second Vatican Council , and Lienart played a role major in the election of Pope Paul VI. 
Among the other figures mentioned on this list , there was Annibale Bugnini , the architect of Pope Paul VI's new mass . 
Bugnini boasted triumphantly that thanks to this new mass, “the Catholic Church had been conquered.” His words were worthy of a convinced Freemason. Although he was initially removed from office, he was later reinstated. However, when the notoriety of these Masonic affiliations became too great, even for Pope Paul VI, who seemed under their influence, Bugnini was sent into "exile". However, the harmful consequences had already been suffered! 

The second meeting with Padre Pio! 

During the second half of 1960, Father Villa had his second meeting with Padre Pio, who told him: "I have been waiting for you for a long time." Villa thought it was taking too long, but Padre Pio urged him, saying: “Courage, courage, courage! Because Freemasonry has already invaded the Church." He then added: "Freemasonry has already reached the shoes of the Pope (Paul VI)." After the death of Pius XII, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was elected pope of " transition" in October 1958 bearing the name John XXIII. He reigned until June 3, 1963, the date of his death! However, in 1935, Angelo Roncalli, Archbishop of Mesembria, was Apostolic Nuncio to Turkey. It was during this period that he was inducted into a Masonic sect heir to the Rosicrucian teachings. It was also during one of the sessions in a lodge that Angelo Roncalli fell into a mystical trance and it was precisely at this moment that he uttered his famous words. prophecies. A book bearing the title "The Prophecies of Pope John XXIII", will appear in Italy in 1976, then in France in 1978 under the direction of Pier Carpi. Pier Carpi, was a serious journalistic researcher and detractor of these types of societies secret, paradoxically he was to discover during his research, the written proofs of the Masonic affiliation in Turkey of Angelo Roncalli. Roncalli also frequented Masonic lodges in France where he was initiated by Vincent Auriol. Was it not said, in 1950, in Paris, that the nunciature was working in great secrecy to reconcile the Catholic Church with Masonry? In France, General de Gaulle, although he was not a member of Freemasonry, officially restored Freemasonry (ruthlessly hunted down under the Vichy regime) to its rights in 1943, he had given his support to the Roncalli's candidacy for the papal election. Such a method, coming from a head of state, can be perceived as lacking a spiritual dimension and seems to reflect an influence from Parisian masonry. Indeed, although de Gaulle himself was not a Freemason, many of his key contacts had close ties to Freemasonry. Consequently, when de Gaulle explicitly supported Roncalli, it is difficult not to consider that this could have served the interests of Freemasonry. Elected pope, the very first step that Roncalli took was to recall Montini to Rome (d 'where, however, Pius XII had removed him) and to make him cardinal. 

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” 

Don Luigi Villa: a good priest , endowed with courage and charisma undeniable ! 

Known for his commitment to vocation research, as well as his talents as a speaker and preacher , notably among the youth, he became the target of the leader of the fascist party , Farinacci, who issued a death warrant against him . Thank God, an official from the Ministry of Justice warned a colleague of Father Villa, which allowed him to escape through a window just when​ a jeep carrying six men heavily armed arrived . 
During the war, Don Villa managed to save 57 Jews from the Nazis. 
In Bari, he had a chaplain friend named Father Berni, who wanted to take him to San Giovanni Rotondo to meet Padre Pio. 
However , Father Villa was reluctant . Then he turned around and saw a man of magnificent beauty who said from there go , because Padre Pio was waiting for him . Then this "man" disappeared in front his eyes . 
Finally , Father Villa went to the convent . In Padre Pio's cell he smelled a strong scent of flowers, he pointed it out to a monk who was passing in the corridor and he told him replied : “Good sign , good sign .” 
When Padre Pio arrived, he answered the questions that Father Luigi had prepared while he waited. At the end of their meeting, Padre Pio urged Father Villa to dedicate his life to defending the Church against the influence of Freemasonry, particularly Freemasons within the Church hierarchy. 
Padre Pio also told him to go to the bishop of Cheti, Monsignor Bosio, who then went to the Vatican. Pope Pius XII gave his approval to the mission entrusted to him, and Father Villa was encouraged to obtain a degree in theology, and was then placed under the direction of Cardinal Ottaviani, prefect of the Holy Office, among others cardinals. These cardinals had the mission of guiding and educating him. He was made to understand that under no circumstances should he associate with Montini (the future Pope Paul VI). Indeed, Bishop Bosio told Father Villa that Montini was “on the side opposed to humanity.” Pius XII had also removed Montini from Rome because of his "modernist" ideas and had forbidden him to be named cardinal so that he would not one day have the opportunity to sit on the throne of Saint- Rock. The Bosio family had long been linked to the Montini family and therefore knew well what they were talking about. The bishop incardinated Father Villa in his diocese in 1957... 

Don Luigi VILLA (1918-2012) 

Died on November 18 2012 at the venerable age of 94, he was born on February 3, 1918. His priestly ordination dates back to 1942, but his destiny took an extraordinary turn when he met Padre Pio in 1956, who we can qualify as his spiritual guide. During their first meeting, Padre Pio entrusted him with a mission of great importance: to dedicate his entire life to the protection of the Church in the face of the threats of Freemasonry, in particular those which were of an ecclesiastical nature. Don Villa expressed his doubts by saying: "I am not prepared for such a task." However, Padre Pio reassured him and gave him detailed advice to carry it out successfully. This mission was brought to Cardinal Tardelli, who transmitted it to His Holiness Pope Pius XII. The pope approved the mission under two conditions: that Father Luigi Villa obtain a license in dogmatic theology and that he be placed under the tutelage of Cardinal Ottaviani, the Prefect of the Holy Office, as well as Cardinals Parente and Palazzini. These Eminences accompanied him, advised him and entrusted him with ecclesiastical secrets linked to this sacred mandate. However, even with this benevolent support, accomplishing his mission was by no means an easy task, particularly after the death of Pius XII. Don Villa was faced with incessant persecution, hateful slander, and even assassination attempts! However, he persevered without wavering, continuing his mission until he reached the total exhaustion of his strength, mainly thanks to his role as director of the magazine Chiesa viva, which he had co-founded in 1970 and the writing and publishing several books, for example "Paul VI, blessed?", or "Karol Wojtyla blessed?... Never!!" (Saint Rémi Éditions). 


  1. He was St Pio's pit bull when it came to exposing freemasonry in the church, all the way to Paul VI. His publication, Chiesa Viva use to be available online, sadly no longer. I can only surmise that certain powers of this world did not want this information so easily attainable. In addition to Paul VI did major long for exposes on John xxiii and JP 2. Very damning information if you can find it.

  2. Father Via was St Pio's bull dog when it came to exposing freemasonry in the Church up to and including Paul VI. His publication, Chiesa Viva, used to be available online, sadly I think those wishing not have this type of examination of the Church hierarchy made sure it wasn't so easily attainable. His long form exposes of John xxiii, Paul VI, and JP 2 were devastating.

  3. Read many of their articles,at this stage it will take Divine intervention .


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