Dr. Chojnowski - A Response to the Fatima Center


  1. The family related objection (and by family I mean her sisters the last of whom died in 1991) that needs answering doesn't concern the private meetings. But rather would they too not have noticed that Lucia was different in all her public appearances that were splashed everywhere? Chojnowski's response only covers half the difficulty.

  2. The most likely answer is that the evil forces who made the real Sr. Lucia disappear made a visit to her family members one-by-one and told them if they publicly call out the fraud Sr. Lucy, they will also disappear.

    The bottom line is the amount of evidence proving that the “Sr. Lucy” of the counterfeit Conciliar church was a fraud is overwhelming at the point. Trying to say otherwise is just beating your fists into the air.

  3. She may have died ,and her family were convinced to go along with the replacement in the best interest if the Church


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