Windswept House Unveiled: Exclusive Overview. Sister Lucy Truth mentioned right before the 25 min. mark. Who ever made this video demonstrates that the truth about the Sister Lucy Imposture is pushing hard into the New Year of 2024!


  1. This video speaks about Malachi Martin and his significant role in the Vatican II Council

    This is the incredible story of how the Jews infiltrated the Vatican and subverted it in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The Jews were able to turn Roman Catholic teachings of 2000 years on its head by instituting Vatican II. They even got the Roman Catholic church to absolve the Jews of the crime of killing Jesus. Jewish control of the Roman Catholic Church is so effective that Jews actually have a mechanism for censoring Roman Catholic teachings!

  2. Zionist Global communist takeover wake up

  3. The ADL in the world Communist offensive – Part II

    The Jewish Question in Europe: The Causes, The Effects, The Remedies (La Civilta Catolica)

    Judaism, Zionism, and the Errors of Russia


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