2010. The Doctor of the Imposter Sister Lucy speaks about how much "Sister Lucy" loved the Luminous Mysteries. In EVERY DETAIL, the Imposter "Sister Lucy" embraced the innovations of the Modernists.


  1. She should stick to being a medical doctor than a Kindergarten theologian.

  2. In fairness I would not dismiss the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary,three of the mysteries represent three Sacrements ,Baptisim, Marriage, and the Eucharist,all of which are under attack these days.

  3. The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary was instituted by the second most heretical pope John Paul II in the history of Christianity; the first most heretical is pope Francis.
    Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof) https://endtimes.video/vatican-ii-new-religion/
    “Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies https://endtimes.video/john-paul-ii-heresies/


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