The Strange Footnote of the 1947 text "Our Lady of Light" by Chanoine Barthas and Jesuit Father Da Fonseca. We are to change the 30 year old version of the Fatima Rosary Prayer is "erroneous" because It doesn't "fit" the rest of the Fatima Message. Evidence? None is given.


Dr. Chojnowski: As we continue our investigation into the question as to which was the original and actual text of the Fatima Rosary Prayer, we find this peculiar footnote in a 1947 text on Our Lady of Light [Fatima]. Here the authors fully acknowledge that those who originally questioned the 3 Children of Fatima concerning this prayer, received from the Blessed Virgin Mary after the July, 1917 Vision of Hell, were unanimous that the proper rendering of this prayer included a part praying for the Poor Souls in Purgatory, especially "those most abandoned." The authors, also, acknowledge that this "Purgatory" rendering has been the used prayer up until their own time, 1947. Then, without any evidence justifying the sweeping change of meaning, they assert that the prayer, as recited up until their time, is "erroneous." Reason? They seem to say, in a very confused way, that the prayer does not fit in with the rest of the Fatima Message, which is concerned with "sinful souls." Is this just a personal judgment on the part of the authors or is there some kind of real evidence justifying it? It would seem that they would include references to such evidence in this very footnote if they had any. If they did have any, it was not referenced, nor was it even hinted at. 

For this purported change in the prayer, logic could rightly say, "Arbitrarily asserted, arbitrarily denied." In a real way, the Poor Souls in Purgatory ARE "sinful souls" --- bearing the punishment due to sin and being attached to venial sin and vice --- however, THEY ARE NOT SINNING NOW. More coming soon......


  1. Perhaps the FAKE saint Josemaria Escriva of Opus Dei concocted all these like the way he installed the FAKE Sr Lucy

    Secrets --

    A compilation --


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