Same Person But 20 years difference, right? Bring your 8 year old, or 18 year old, or 80 years old to the computer and ask them if these are pictures of the same woman. See what they say. The top one comes from 1946 and the bottom from 1967. BUT DR. CHOJNOWSKI MISPRONOUNCED "PHILTRUM"! Case closed.


  1. Christine Niles showed her true colors in this video proving herself as a Masonic Pied Piper deceiving and misleading Catholics into Bergoglio's cave of perdition of the New World Order. The IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy will be a saint of the One World Religion! Christine Niles and Church Militant are all made of the same cloth of John 8:44.

  2. 39:56 mark - Church Militant (the entity that Niles represents) has "boldly" pronounced Dr. Chojnowski is dishonest - is she correct? What should be the response to this accusation?

    1. REPLY TO:  Anonymous July 7, 2023 at 4:18 AM

      Just because Christine Niles uses derogatory words does not mean (Church Militant) she is right.  it is a lawyer's strategy to use derogatory words to influence the judge or the jury's judgment especially when that lawyer's case is desperate and has no logical recourse.  Christine Niles' logic and reasoning have no moral standing and have no scientific basis.  Misspelling "claim" as "cliam" does not remove the fact that they are still claims.

      YOU have to take due diligence and do YOUR OWN TIME to STUDY the scientific evidence that Dr. Chojnowski has presented and continue to present.  STOP RELYING on Masonic Pied Piper Christine Niles and Church Militant who ARE the Masonic mouthpiece of the New World Order.  

      Christine Niles was very PETTY and she nitpicked on misspellings of a couple of words which do not affect the core scientific evidence presented by Sister Lucy Truth website.  See

      Christine Niles has NOTHING to use against Dr. Chojnowski and so she resorted to trivial matters like typical gossiping women do.  She ignored the scientific evidence and most important on the reason WHY the Vatican II Apostate Church had to install an IMPOSTER Sr Lucy who would simply regurgitate the Masonic Agenda to destroy the Roman Catholic Church -- FROM INSIDE THE CHURCH. 

      The IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy is one of the biggest INFILTRATION of the Freemasons inside the Roman Catholic Church.

      Church Militant is controlled-opposition hellbent to destroy the Roman Catholic, the One True Apostolic Church -- FROM WITHIN THE CHURCH.  Read the REASONS why the Freemasons popes, who are now saints BTW, had to install the IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy.

      STOP watching Church Militant for one week and read this instead.  Then tell us what YOU THINK (-- not what Christine Niles or Church Militant think.)  They are paid for by the Freemasons.). 

      Start here

    2. Seems you misread my comment. Where's her proof was the intent of my comment. You should re-read in that light. Sorry if my wording caused a problem. 1 John 5:4 (The Faith).

    3. REPLY TO: Anonymous July 8, 2023 at 6:41 AM

      Your comment is giving support to the Pied Piper "credibility" of Church Militant's multi-million dollar Masonic mainstream media outlet hellbent to destroy the Roman Catholic Church -- from within.  Christine Niles proved herself undoubtedly a Masonic mouthpiece.  Even the devil can cite the Bible in Latin.  So, that quotation that you are citing is as shallow as Christine Niles' unfounded accusation that Dr. Chojnowski is "dishonest."  

      What about you?  Why don't you tell us your own answer to your own question: " Where's her proof was the intent of my comment. You should re-read in that light."

  3. Christine Niles took a cheap shot on one word that Dr Chojnowski mispronounced, "Philtrum" and then she labelled him as "dishonest."    Christine Niles has the Church Militant's millions of dollars backing and Forward Boldy's dramatic music effects, her nice coordinated coloured designers clothes, coiffed hair, and theatrical props.

    But mispronouncing one word "Philtrum" does not erase the plethora of scientific evidence that Dr. Chojnowski has gathered and presented in his website, Sister Lucy Truth.  See them in

    Why did Christine Niles not mention the other evidence Dr. Chojnowski has presented?  The TRUE Sr Lucy was left-handed, while the IMPOSTER Sr Lucy was right handed!  Why did Christine Niles not compare the handwriting analysis by the experts?  Why did Christine Niles not show the pictures that the TRUE Sr Lucy did not know how to type but the IMPOSTER Sr Lucy has been pictured typing on a typewriter.  Why did Christine Niles not show the difference between the Message of Our Lady of Fatima to the TRUE Sr. Lucy versus the Masonic message of the IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy? Et cetera.  

    That's because Christine Niles is a Masonic Pied Piper hellbent on destroying the Roman Catholic Church FROM WITHIN.  The IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy was one of the BIGGEST INFILTRATION WITHIN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and Christine Niles is there to protect the evil agenda of her real MASTERS, the FREEMASONS.

    Christine Niles had to recourse to female whining and gossiping and drama to dissuade and mislead and DECEIVE the thousands of gullible Catholics who are foolish enough to pay and listen to Church Militant's daily DECEPTION and to its SODOMITE founder Michael Voris who is hellbent on destroying the SSPX and the Roman Catholic Church -- from within.

    Christine Niles and Church Militant are part of Bergoglio's New World Order family in John 8:44.

  4. Videos on the original IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy and Michael Voris

    At the onset Christine Niles already set the Masonic tone of her show.  First she named the Most Holy Family Monastery (MHFM), formerly known as Vatican, as "sedevacantist." Then she identified Dr. Chojnowski is working for a school owned by the "SSPX."   Everyone should know by now that for over 2 years, Christine Niles has been hellbent on destroying the SSPX reputation.  Church Militant is also against the sedevacantists, that is another story for another day.  It was the Benedictine Brother Dimond of the MHFM who first exposed that there were two Sister Lucys in 2006.  That's 17 years ago!!  This was their hour-long exposé and subsequent videos.  They were the PIONEERS in exposing the FAKE Sr. Lucy.

    But the MHFM is a small monastery and Dr. Chojnowski's website and blog are humble media outlets.  But the way  of the world  is you need a million dollar media studio  and colourful and loud props and famous actors to catch people's attention like Church Militant now has.  So the question is where are all the millions of Church Militant coming from.  Frank of Canon212 always asks this question almost every time he mentions Church Militant and "'Nazi' Christine Niles" for running after the SSPX like the Gestapo.

    Christine Niles from the get-go insinuated that being a "sedevacantist" and affiliated with the "SSPX" got something to do with the theory that there was a fake Sr. Lucy.

    It was Church Militant's jab at the MHFM for exposing Michael Voris as intrinsically homosexual and that his show, The Vortex, is a witchcraft show, see here some of the videos made by the Vatican aka MHFM  

    This video of Christine Niles saying that those two different faces of Sister Lucy are one and the same woman can only come from her true masters, the Freemasons through the Opus Dei.  Michael Voris has been exposed as an affiliate of the Opus Dei, see here

    This video proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Christine Niles and Church Militant all serve the Freemasons and they work for the agenda of a New World Order. 

    For Christine Niles and Church Militant  to say that they pray the Rosary daily is sheer HYPOCRISY because they don't really care about Our Lady of Fatima and Her true seer, Sister Lucia dos Santos who was cancelled and replaced by an IMPOSTER to mangle the true Message of Fatima.


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