Randy Engel's Fascinating Article Points to the Connection Between Opus Dei and Both Michael Voris and E. Michael Jones. And there is the interesting fact that the Carmelites at Coimbra are COOPERATORS of Opus Dei. Remember, the false saint Jose-Marie Escriva is also on our list of Persons of Interest with regard to the Disappearance of the Real Sister Lucy dos Santos.


Voris Promotes and Defends Opus Dei

On March 4, 2011, the issue of Opus Dei was reopened in connection with Marc Brammer, then (and still) the domain name owner, and one of the owners of the for-profit RCTV who contracted with Voris and his St. Michael's Media – a non-profit entity, and Concept Communication, LLC – a for-profit entity, to produce the internet video content for RCTV.

Some additional background on Brammer might prove helpful at this time.

Brammer graduated from the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame University in South Bend in 1974 with a BA in Economics and a Masters in Finance and Financial Management Services. From Human Resources Director for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, he went on to a very successful business career with Investment Trust, Inc. From 2000 to 2012 he served as Senior Director of Business Development for Moody's Analytics in Manhattan. He became a founder and CEO of iCARE Analytics LLC, and Business Development Director for Progeny Software LLC (merged with Ambry Genetics in 2015). Both firms are involved in the genetics aspect of health care. He is also currently the Chief Business Development Officer for Axon Advisors LLC, a medical research enterprise based in New York, founded and headed by his daughter, Emily Brammer.

In short, Marc Brammer is a very successful and wealthy entrepreneur and astute businessman.

Getting back to Voris, I sent him an e-mail asking him to confirm that Brammer is a member of Opus Dei and, as such, I asked if Brammer had any influence, direct or indirect, on the programs and policies of RCTV programing and Voris' public endorsement of the Prelature on his March 25, 2010, Vortex show.

Voris replied the very next day, March 5, 2011, and he was not, by any means, a happy camper. "... your constant invective and muckraking approach to our apostolate is loathsome, bordering on calumny," he said. He condemned the alleged "bee in my bonnet about Opus Dei," and suggested I stop by a confessional... to seek pardon for my "slander."

Personally, I was neither surprised nor offended by Voris' seemingly over-the-top reaction to a simple query remembering the prayer of Saint Thomas More in the Tower of London in the year of Our Lord, 1534, that instructs us to love our enemies as they can never do one such good with their love and favor as they do with their malice and hatred.

In any case, Voris confirmed what I knew to be a fact, that Marc Brammer was a member of Opus Dei. But he assured me that Brammer had "ABSOLUTELY NO influence whatsoever on program policies."

Voris added that he came to know about Opus Dei from reading John L. Allen, Jr.'s book Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church, which is favorable to Opus Dei, and from talking to Opus Dei members including Brammer. He reminded me that the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá was a canonized saint. He offered no criticism of Opus Dei.

Before closing, Voris gave me his studio phone number, and thanked me for the good work I do for the Church. Like the Rafe confrontation, this incident was quickly forgotten.

Voris and Brammer – Good Cop/Bad Cop

On the same day, March 5, 2011, this writer received a very cordial e-mail from Marc Brammer who stated that he was indeed "a supernumerary" of Opus Dei, lived in South Bend and worked for Moody's Analytics. He said he provided the seed capital [$250,000.00] to launch RCTV in 2008 and "remain [sic] attached to the venture as a personal hobby." He insisted that neither Opus Dei or its members ever exercised any control over his business ventures. Then he added an unexpected comment:
For the record, I do have other media collaborations which I am equally excited about...one in particular with E. Michael Jones of Cultural Wars who lives here in South Bend and has been a friend for 30 years. I still remain a board member of his not-for-profit firm. He and I are planning a joint venture with the release of his book on Capitalism later this year which we intend to augment with radio program. It has the potential of being a game changer especially to try to articulate the need for the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the U.S. to separate itself from the control and influence of political and governmental structures that have high jacked the interpretation of the fundamental truths entrusted to the Church. Jones and I have equal distaste for neo-cons across both the Democratic and Republican parties. Both have equally bad characters in them especially regarding anything pro-life.

I am interested in the success of both media adventures...with RCTV to highlight evil forces within and outside the Church... and with E. Michael Jones to highlight evil forces within the secular culture that can look to Church tradition for better guidance including just wages and just prices.
Brammer said he'd be happy to chat more about the "Capitalism" launch, but I never took him up on his offer. It wasn't until I read Jones' book that I recalled Brammer's 2011 e-mail concerning his long friendship with Jones, which the latter never bothered to mention in his book.


  1. Pope Leo XIII said: The worst kind of heretic is the one who, while teaching mostly true Catholic doctrine, add a word of heresy, like a drop of poison in a cup of water. The video of Christine Niles that there is NO FAKE Sr Lucy is that drop of poison in Church Militant. John 8:44

  2. Opus Dei, E Michael Jones, Church Militant are all controlled-opposition -- https://fitzinfo.net/e-michael-jones-dossier/ -- https://fitzinfo.net/opus-dei/ -- and so are their affiliates in John 8:44


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