What was Carmelite Life Like in 1959, when we believe that Sister Lucia of Fatima was replaced with an Imposter? See this beautiful video interview in which the Natural and Supernatural Order, pre-Vatican II and still intact, is on full display. Also, interesting to note, the HOLY SEE was the one to give permission for the reporter to enter the Carmel. Commentary below.

Reflective Considerations:
1) Here we see the Catholic Church in tact and fulfilling its purpose in this world in 1959, before the Modernist Revolution hit in 1962.
2) Even the British reporter can respect the life of these religious woman and see its intrinsic value.
3) We see that even father and mother of the religious could only "see" their daughter 4 times a year, behind the grate and with other sisters in attendance.
4) The reporter had to seek permission to visit and film, not just from the Mother Superior, or the local bishop, but rather, from the Holy See itself.
5) The Carmelites themselves show a beautiful balance between the natural order and the supernatural order. The ones interviewed had worked in the world, in difficult jobs, and turned the world down for the contemplative life.
6) The nuns and the reporter show a level of propriety, in their attitudes, in their speech, and in their general demeanor, that shows us that all of these natural human perfections and virtues had not yet been destroyed by the Cultural Revolution of the 60s. It is beautiful to see.
7) They could all speak English properly. Do we still experience this in our own lives? Do we even try?
8) Finally, to think that they took Sister Lucia of Fatima from this life, no doubt against her will, is even more infuriating and unacceptable.
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