LifeSite News Exposes the Impostor Sister Lucy in Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski, Director of Sister Lucy Truth! The Dam of Lies is Breaking!


  1. What ever happened with the private investigators?

  2. The next step in connecting the infernal dots is perceiving that the same Judeo-Masonic brood of vipers who murdered Sr Lucia in order to prevent the self-incriminating Third Secret of Fatima from being revealed and also to hijack the Message of Fatima also hijacked the papacy at the vitiated 1958 conclave, as is documented at and at
    See also this short but very revealing article:

    Padre Pio "around 1960," as Fr Gabriel Amorth, later chief exorcist of Rome, recalled, told him, "You know, Gabriele? It is Satan who has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and within a very short time will come to rule a false Church." (Interview with Fr Amorth by José María Zavala, in The Best Kept Secret of Fatima)


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