Investigating Secrets of the Vatican. LifeSite News Delves into the Imposture.


  1. Our Lord and Our Lady are letting the truth become known! Thank you, Dr. Peter, for your perseverance in this effort! The world has been hurting because of the cover-up of truth in the Catholic Church. Please keep going! May Our Lady continue to protect and lead you!

  2. I'm glad the unpleasant fact of the criminal identity theft, and therefore also the hijacking of the Fatima Message for reasons that can only be called diabolical, is finally making it into the mainstream Vatican II world. It's about time. Those who deny it or ignore it have no good excuse. If one's reputation or material livelihood or anything else is more important than the truth, then one is not a true follower of Christ but a hireling.

  3. Another secret that even fewer people know about is that Pope Pius XII read the Third Secret of Fatima on May 13, 1957 in the company of various cardinals, one of them the American Cardinal Stritch, and then secluded himself in the papal apartments for almost two weeks, weeping bitterly. Cardinal Stritch revealed at least two parts of it to two priest associates, which can be heard in this short segment from a 4 part interview here: - What the Real Third Secret of Fatima Said (Witness Account, 3 min 41 sec)


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