
Showing posts from July, 2022

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | SACRED HEART OF PUNTA GORDA. I would love to see John Salza and the other two "recovering traditionalists" go through breathing and centering therapy with "Fr. " Jerry! "Breath.........and feel yourself in full communion..........."


Leaving the SSPX Behind: John Salza and Andrew Bartel. Interesting that the Snake Salza Identifies "Geographic" Reasons for First Joining with SSPX. John, "Little Petey," as you have called me, doesn't remember you saying that at all the CFN conferences. I tried to listen to these three who are now happily "in full communion," but had to stop, only being able to think of "gag me with a spoon!"


A Site with Polish subtitles for Sister Lucy Truth Videos!


Leaving the SSPX Behind: John Salza and Andrew Bartel. Rad Trad Thomist was the First to Break the Story! "Long Time Catholic Apologist " In His Intro he Fails to Mention that he Was a 32nd Degree Mason. At Least He is "Back with the Pope"! How is that going for you, John?


Co się stało z prawdziwą s. Łucją? Co z ukrytą 3 Tajemnicą Fatimską? Sister Lucy Truth Investigation Breaks Through to Popular Polish Catholic Media. No English, but love to hear my name pronounced correctly! 46,700views since Yesterday!


So it is a Very Grave Situation, truly, for Traditional Catholics when the Last Remnants of the Catholic Religion is Banned from the Local Parish, but it is NOT Grave when the Messenger of Our Lady of Fatima is ELIMINATED FROM THE SCENE AND A FAKE "SISTER LUCY" IS PUT IN HER PLACE. Not getting it.

Image I bet the full Third Secret, the one which actually has Our Lady saying something, speaks of just this. As you go to your "hide away" Catholic Masses, doesn't its strike you that we are living the Third Secret? Why else get rid of Sister Lucy if not to cover-up this fact. It is really diabolical, no?

Bergoglio to Publicly Deny Catholic Faith Again By Participating in Pagan "Smudging" Ceremony while in Canada. And Yet a Traditional Roman Rite Mass With Incense is "Triumphalist"? "Smudging" Compared to Wearing the Scapular.


"The Rosary and [Brown] Scapular are Inseparable." Now THAT SOUNDS LIKE SISTER LUCY! Here is the Transcript of Fr. Rafferty's Interview with the Real Sister Lucy in 1950. Below is our Report on the Fake Lucy's book "Calls" in which she fails to mention the Brown Scapular, Even When Commenting on the Appearance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on October 13, 1917.

Father Rafferty - Meeting with Sr Lucia 1950 ( Also, from the book Calls , attributed to the Fake Sister Lucy, read her statements about the last apparition of October 13, 1917 in which Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared during the Miracle of the Sun.  See especially page 4.

Father Jerry with iPhone on Altar leading breathing exercises at Mass . The Modernist Abomination of "Fr." Jerry is Given an Aesthetic Critique by the Still Wandering "conservative" Dr. Marshall. His Critique Is Reminiscent of What the Wanderer was writing 40 years ago.

Dr. Chojnowski: You have to admire Dr. Marshall for tackling the phenomenon of "Fr." Jerry. I must admit that for one of my sons and I "Fr." Jerry has a particular fascination. For my son, it is a confirmation to him of what I have been saying about the Novus Ordo. For myself, it is a clear presentation of what I have experienced many times in the past. It is good to, every once in awhile, to experience again what initially drove you to live the life the way you do. It was absolute disgust at the informality, cultural vulgarity, theological vacuity of the Novus Ordo that initially drove me to look for the real Catholic religion. This was when I was a young teenager in the early 80s. But 40 years have passed since that time. When I hear Dr. Marshall here, it seems to me as if 40 years of agonizing endurance has been in vain for the world of traditional Catholicism. Can we ever get beyond searching for a more "reverent" liturgy?  It must be the deep theologi...

Fr Rafferty Interview w Sr Lucy of Fatima/Brown Scapular, Consecration. An Account of the 1950 Interview with the Real Sister Lucy. Was there a 7th Coming of Our Lady or Will There Be One?

Dr. Chojnowski: In this fascinating lecture, given in 1958, Fr. Howard Rafferty speaks about his August 15, 1950 interview with the real Sister Lucy at the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra. At about the 20 minute mark, Fr. Rafferty describes the woman he met on that day, he says she was, "a peasant-type girl....does not look delicate....[He asks the audience to] recall the features of her face as you have seen in her pictures, ROUGH sort of features, THICK sort of features, you would say. And I recall what Walsh [who had also met with the real Sister Lucy] said in his book Our Lady of Fatima , 'She showed no signs in 1917 of becoming the Miss Portugal of that year. In other words, she is not beautiful."  It is Amazing What 50 Years Can Do to Improve Your Appearance! Even though Fr. Rafferty, who was a Carmelite Priest and head of a Confraternity of the Brown Scapular, had come to Coimbra with a list of questions, Sister Lucy informed him that she was not a...

Fátima vs Noeísmo - Part 1 -- Turn on the Auto-Translate and hear the 1st Part of a lecture that answers questions raised concerning the Fatima Crime. A New Religion Required a New Sister Lucy, a New Third Secret, and a New Fatima Message.


Sr. Lucy vs Sr. Who-She? Dominic from India Reminds Us that God Intended Lucia to Spread Devotion to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. So the Taking Out of Sister Lucy was a Truly Sacrilegious Action Meant to Spit in the Face of God. And yet.......crickets........


"Fatima Crime Trailer 2". We are looking for a Producer that Will Break the Biggest Story of the 20th and 21st Centuries. The Religious and Historical Implications Is What Is Scaring EVERYBODY OFF! We Need One Courageous Filmmaker


"What Happened to Sister Lucy of Fatima?"- in HD. Sister Lucy Truth's Video with the Most Hits! Our video with the most hits! Support Sister Lucy Truth and show those who looked upon this woman with hatred and ominous threat that we will tolerate their crime no longer.


"Fatima and the Fake Prophesy" - HD The Greatest Struggle of Our Time is NOT Over the Family, but Over the Counterfeit Church!


A Falsa Irmã Lúcia: as evidências forenses - Por Dr. Peter Chojnowski. The Forensic Evidence for an Imposter Sister Lucy. In my, rather loud, English!
