"US-Friendly" Contact Within the Vatican Indicated Right After the Death of Pope Pius XII that US Governmental Authorities Must Use the American Cardinals to Prevent the Election of Cardinals Siri, Ottaviani, or Ruffini. The US Government Clearly Saw the Election of a Real Catholic to the Papal Throne in 1958 to be a Threat. Is there No Logical Connection between THIS Telegram and the Strange events of October 26,27, and 28th 1958 within the Sistine Chapel?
Here are the list of the 53 Cardinals who met in Rome for the Conclave in Rome in October 1958. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_electors_for_the_1958_papal_conclave Dr. Chojnowski: This telegraph from Ambassador Zellerbach (US ambassador to Italy) and the Secretary of State of the United States under the Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles is a clear path mark indicating to us what we should be looking for as regards the happenings in the 1958 papal conclave that met from October 25-28, exactly 2 weeks after this telegram to the US Secretary of State was written and sent. What do we read in this telegram and why does it matter in our investigation into the fate of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima? We do not, as of yet, have a smoking gun telegram, but this one is clearly a picture of a double-barrel shot gun loaded, locked, safety off, aimed, and finger on the trigger communication. The US government seems an imminent "threat" and it is ready to act --- n
Israelis were there. Americans were there. Europeans were there... the whole wargame is created, funded, operated it under the claws of the Jews and Israel... They did not chose that fag-comedian Jew to be president of Ukraine for nothing. They had their plan to carry out exactly as they wanted. Nothing surprise. God had chosen Russia to punish the whole world and it will be so exactly as God warned. But why then we need to do the consecration of Russia for, since God had chosen Russia? Conversion and blessings. Russia can't receive the "BLESSINGS" if no "consecration." Russia has been violated and insulted with so many crimes and sins that she was cut off from the branch of the Church and therefore with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do you know that abortion come from Russia? Yes, 1920 Russia legalized abortion, and the wildfire spread to the whole world. Did you know that the Jews control Russia just as the USA? (The children were killed probably over two billion babies by now.) Many other sins and crimes that Russia had committed direct against Her Heart. I talked about that before, don't need to repeat here again.
ReplyDeleteAgain, it is the sins and lies of the Bolshevik Jews and their criminal government, that they established and not of the Russian people. We have all sinned.