Supreme Court Overturns BOTH ROE AND CASEY DECISIONS. If You are Going to Base Everything on a Written Document, Made in 1787, Then ACTUALLY Read What the Document Says. Now the Real Conflict Begins in the USA.

Dr. Chojnowski: It is truly fitting that this decision, overturning two of the most inhumane, unnatural and unconstitutional decisions that have ever come from the Supreme Court of the United States, was overturned on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus King and Lord of All. At the moment, within the context of a liberal, agnostic, and Masonic Constitution, it is a great legal victory. It is the victory of the obvious and simple common sense. We ALL know that abortion takes a HUMAN LIFE and that the "right" to it is NO WHERE in the US Constitution. I am also very glad that the Casey decision of 1992 was overturned on the same day that Roe was overturned. 30 years ago, when the Casey decision came down, I was at a conference in Bavaria and a gentlemen was there who had helped Republican presidents Reagan and Bush pick their candidates for the Supreme Court. When the Casey decision came down, it was a result which was the opposite of what we all were expecting and hoping for. I remember having breakfast on that day, with the man who had tried to get Republican presidents to pick Pro-Life justices --- and thought that they had; he told us that he felt as if all his efforts had been in vain. In fact, if you read it, is much more radical than even Roe itself. It says that to take away the "abortion right" would be to violate their liberty to interpret the meaning and value of the universe, human life. and of the "product of conception" for themselves. The utter subjectivist insanity of this decision has been thankfully overturned today and thrown into the wast bin of American history. 
Clearly the battle is only beginning to restore America, Western Civilization, and, indeed, the World to sanity in both the natural, political, ethical, and the spiritual domains. Let the battle begin. 


  1. Today is a Holy Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart. Today God gave you a sign, a signal to the TRIUMPH OF THE IMMACULATE OF MARY is near, nearer than you think. The USA was (used to be) consecrated under the title of Our Lady: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. But the devils in human form had changed this country into a slaughtered factory making trillion of dollar on killing and selling their organs and bodies in pieces. Therefore, the insult and blasphemous directly to Her Immaculate Heart. In order to undo the damages, we must re-consecrate back to Her Heart and do the great REPARATION. For 4 decades long, I begged and sought for some good Bishops to do the consecration of the USA to Her Immaculate Heart so somebody will receive the "graces" to defend life. I found some but too old, retired, and scared to death to do so... But, we managed to do in the secret... God is so merciful, because 99% of the Catholic Bishops and Priests in the USA are under the umbrella of the Freemasonry and NWO plus Luciferians of the pseudo Vatican II... Those poor Bishops, a few good priest (my friend) have to do in hiding. God gave us a sign today----DO NOT BE AFRAID FOR I HAVE WON THE WORLD. Now young people, you young generations have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders, the victory is up to you. I ask all Catholics, and all who believe in Jesus Christ the King must put on armor of "prayer-life" and have "swords" ready. "DO NOT THINK I COME TO BRING PEACE. NO, I COME TO BRING SWORD." Yes, the good must fight the evil and eliminate them in order to have a true peace, true prosperity, true Kingship of Christ shines upon all nations. This nation claims "In God We Trust" and "One nation under GOD"... LET IT BE TRUE. LET THIS NATION BE FREED FROM THE BONDAGE OF THE SEEDS OF SATAN.
    Your ancestors had pick the "eagle" as a symbolic of the USA was not in accident, it was inspired by the power of God. So, today I celebrate the Sacred Heart with fasting and with 15 decades of Rosary to thank God and beg for more graces, more blessings, more good men, good women, good children to fight back----to defend ourselves, protect our belief, and eradicate sins/crimes.

  2. I may sound pessimistic, but I wonder if these decisions are part of a complex strategy of the enemies of Christ and of the human race to provoke greater division and conflict and also distraction from their planned destruction of economies and their totalitarian control. We know they are under the power and control of Satan, the greatest created intellect other than Christ's human intellect, and as Leo XIII's traumatic mystical experience in 1884 indicates, Satan was permitted by Christ to have "more power over those who have given themselves over to my service." So what appears to be a step in the right direction to Christians and other pro-lifers may actually lead to more and greater evils.

    There is no temporal solution in the spiritual warfare we are in. Our greatest weapon is the Rosary, given more power in our time to compensate for the greater power given to the powers of hell. We should also do forms of penance and sacrifice and offer them in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which may offend God more than any others and greatly provoke His just punishment. We should also consecrate ourselves to Mary according to the method prescribed by St Louis De Montfort, as is explained in The Secret of Mary:
    Audio version:

  3. It may have been a distraction, to overturn the past decisions. While surely victories, they might be used as divide and conquer statagies by the government, as an attempt to foment civil war or civil discord. Why was there no real resistance to the Covid hoax and garbage? Remember, they want a new world without God. They only believe that man is God. Why do most people comply with the satanic government and other lunatics to destroy their way of life and belief in God?

  4. This is all a test by the forces of darkness, to see how stupid people are and how they will comply. In everything they do, they fish for information first. Remember, they want a world without God. They want a world that they can control thru human slaves. They may try, but God has other plans for them.

  5. Stupid is as Stupid does. You can't fix stupid. Many people are as dumb as dirt. Many people refuse to know the truth even if it is presented to them. Men love darkness, rather than light.

    1. One of the reasons many people will choose the full MARK OF THE BEAST.

    2. It is all happening right now ! They are coming to poison and kill you and your babies. What will you do to stop these greedy, sick lunatics and to counter their propaganda?

    3. No one is coming to save us anytime soon, except the Antichrist, first.


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