New "Transformed in the Spirit of Vatican II" "Sister Lucy" had a set of Yin Yang balls to access the "Universal Energy" of the NewChurch of the Prayer Meeting of Assisi. Check out this video proof at around the 5:43 second mark. It is surely not "Yin Yang" balls that Catholic men need to confront the Desecration of the Person and Persona of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima.

The Yin Yang Balls of "Sister Lucy" appear at the 5:43 mark. I cannot wait to get at the extensive correspondence mentioned. They, no doubt will prove to be as fraudulent as the one's that Sister Lucy Truth has already submitted to professional analysis.

For a discussion as to what the Yin Yang Balls are for, see the article below:

The Benefits of Chinese Balls

Chinese balls bring an inner balance, which is what humans are looking for. Their action is beneficial to the growing stress of our changing societies. Thanks to their massages, they make it possible to direct the energy towards any kind of energy which part of the body, immediately, we feel a reaction, a kind of feeling of wellness. ⚖️

In this way, we can daily fortify and gradually animate each part of our body.
Practice makes it possible in daily life to adapt the growing energy to the harmonious development of our being.

Preparation for Practice

The choice of the balls - hollow metal, solid stone
There are several types of balls both in diameter and appearance outside, it is recommended for beginners to use the small balls (45 mm).

  • As for the exterior aspect, choose according to your taste and instinct. Some will prefer golden balls for their optical effects, which is assimilated to light or to the energy that spreads inside our body!
  • Do not let anyone handle your balls, they must be strictly reserved for your use. Wash your hands before each session because it is through them that the healing waves will spread. Listen to your intuition, trust the relaxation balls, they will guide you on the path of universal energy! ⚡


  1. The Illuminati works by the mode of "externalisation of the hierarchy", a term coined by UN illuminati satanist Alice Bailey(Lucifer Publishing House),meaning that the rulers of the world gradually reveals themselves to the serfs by little steps.

    Baily invented an ideology which was a reversal of all traditional religion, "channeled" from dead tibetan "Djawal Khul", name sounding like the arabic al Dajjal: Qul, meaning : Antichrist : speak!

    I also remember seeing the masonic eye on imagery of the satanic "Electrohand Gottes" concert held in a church in Germany, the same they put on the dollarbill (novus ordo sæclorum.)

    It's a mind control technique which slowly induces the serfs to defeatism and depression by the feeling of powerlessness.

    Whoever got social or political power do so because their subjects feel powerless against them, only because they are viewed as powerful.

  2. I remember reading reading a book some years ago ,promoting a new world consciousness and one world religion,it stated that those who would not evolve,would have to be eliminated.The funny thing is ,there's nothing new about the new age religion,it's a rehash of old pagan and occult practices.


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