A falsa Irmã Lúcia: uma evidência matemática. Now in English. The Math is Clear, the Reasons for the Refusal to Recognize this is Most Definitely NOT.


  1. Charles Morton was allowed a visit with Sr Lucia in 2004,he was instructed not to ask about the consecration of Russia The interview will be shown soon on lifesite news you tube channel ,this is a preview. https://youtu.be/5i703Xd6X2k

    1. Charles Morton visited the impostor Sr Lucia in 2004. Sr Lucia was made to "disappear," most likely murdered, around 1958, and her last words made public were in 1957. See Dr Chojnowski's article: http://radtradthomist.chojnowski.me/2019/03/is-this-interview-that-caused-her.html (1957 Interview with Fr Augustin Fuentes, who was subsequently slandered by the enemies of Christ who had colonized the Vatican, and unjustly removed as postulator for cause of sainthood for Jacinta and Francisco)

    2. It seems Pope Francis is going to consecrate Russia and the Ukraine on the 25th March .In that last interview with the real Sr Lucia ,she said not to look to the hierarchy for guidance ,no wonder they discredited Fr Fuentes.That advice spoke volumes about the situation in the Church at that time.She also said the final battle would be against the family ,how right that turned out to be.

  2. They will not confess their crimes and their sins. They know sooner or later people will find out the truth but do they care? No, they believe that if they keep on denying and fabricating the story, and continue their cover-up, most people with braindead nowadays will continue to believe them rather than believe the TRUTH and REASON.

    Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, ask God give him the last chance. He will spill the beans before he die. He seems like he's in the repentance mode by saying, sometimes he is crying "The Fatima is not fulfilled yet..." Some close friends of mine "grapevine" to me. He wanted to do that earlier while he still sit on the chair of Peter, but they quickly "removed" him by forced him into "resign." However, God is a truly Merciful God. He did not "resign" correctly under the Canon Law and Dogmatic of the Holy Catholic Church's teaching in case of a Pope want to resign.

    The "resign" was nulled and invalided. He is still the Pope, even though he was a great heretic but he is not APOSTATE like Francis. We still have obligation to "PRAY A GREAT DEAL FOR THE POPE, HE WILL REPENT AND DO IT BUT IT'S LATE."

    I personally don't think Pope Benedict XVI has enough time and support to do the consecration of Russia. But he will come out in the last minute to confess his heresies and beg the next Pope to correct his errs and do the consecration of Russia. Why? I don't think he is the one God's chosen to do the consecration of Russia.

    The one who is 100% holy Catholic Pope will immediately do the consecration of Russia. He will run the church and the whole world with a IRON ROD from God. He will receive many graces and blessings to tender sheep as God wants it. The church will be a great Kingdom of Christ again. I strongly believe that.

    1. Jesus said that in the latter times even the elect would be deceived. A counterfeit bill needs to look like a real one in order to deceive someone. Benedict XVI may seem very Catholic compared to Paul VI or Francis, but compared to someone like Pius XII he was not Catholic at all. See, e.g., novusordowatch.org/benedict-xvi

      The “Benedict is still pope” idea that you and many semi-trads, including the popular Bro. Bugnolo ascribe to is an intentional part of the complex diabolical deceit by the Judeo-Masonic controllers of the visible structures of the Church and of the world. The papacy was actually usurped when Cardinal Siri was threatened (likely a nuclear threat) into invalidly abdicating after being elected 2 days before John XXIII appeared before the world to the gushing acclaim of the international media, as well as of Jewish and Masonic organizations. Hence the unprecedented revolution in the Church at the same time as the revolution in the culture at large. whitesmoke1958.com gives a more than adequate explanation of what happened, as well as the evidence for a nuclear threat (see “Grave Reasons of State”) and the many approved prophesies foretelling the Great Apostasy and “Eclipse of the Church” as a punishment from God for the sins of Catholics, especially the clergy. The one true Church still exists as a faithful “remnant” maintaining all the pre-Vatican II beliefs, liturgy, sacraments, etc.

      Whether Siri/Gregory XVII secretly appointed a successor and he did likewise, etc., there is probably no way for us to know, but God will provide a valid successor of St Peter in some way. Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich prophesied that Sts. Peter and Paul will appear in Rome to the astonishment of all and appoint a valid pope after a long period with the Chair of Peter being held by false popes.

    2. I know John XXIII to the present Popes are heretics, Freemasons, and stolen the seat accept John Paul I... I know who is a heretic and who is an Apostate. I know the law, and I know what Christ said, also His Mother and the Prophets said. You just call Christ, His Mother, the Saints, the Prophets, and me are LIARS. You are above the Holy Spirit now, your comments said it all.

  3. The Reasons for the Refusal to Recognize this is pretty clear to me: Accepting the truth about the diabolically criminal identity theft means having to face the possibility that our beloved Catholic Church has been infiltrated and colonized by the enemies of Christ and that John XXIII thru Francis have been accomplices in the fraud, and in the subsequent distortion of the Message of Fatima, especially re- the Third Secret. And of course admitting the truth would unbearably label one a "conspiracy theorist," which is much worse than the easy choice of refusing to admit the unpleasant truth. The cost one would have to pay is too high, especially for those whose financial stability relies on toeing the official, or at least the much less controversial line. But such worldly-minded cowards will pay the price when they appear before their Judge.


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