Watch live: Russian President addresses the nation. Putin Initiates the Drive to Restore the Russian Empire. Blames Past Leaders of Soviet Union and Russia, going back to Lenin and Stalin, for its Collapse.


  1. Well, they mocked and laughed at Our Lady and the three seers of Fatima saying "Don't be duped by the prophets of doom..." Pray and let the Wrath of God carry out the fulfillment in our life time.

    I told you people before, Putin is a Jew, his mother secretly baptized him from his father's consent into orthodox. So, he is a Christian. No, not so fast. Why? I told you before, unless you have Mary is as your Mother, you will never be a true Christian. What's Christian mean? A person who will be born in spiritually as exactly as Christ yes, another Jesus Christ born again by Mary.

    That's why I told you. Jews never truly repent or convert into Catholic Church successfully unless they have to come to Mary. But, they hate Mary. Therefore, all of their conversion is fake and doubtful. They will be tempted and betrayed. Always, more so than average persons. Their root DNA still is in the line of Eva and the Serpent (Satan).

    The salary of a KGB is not enough to take care a wife and children comfortably, Putin one time thinking of quit the job and be a cab-driver. But, his Jewish family, friends, made connection to promote Putin because they knew they can control and asking Putin "do us favor" as always the tactic of the Jews and Freemasonry. (Communism, Freemasonry, Modernism... etc come directly from Jewish belief system... Check it out, in their Talmudic books). Today as speaking, Putin have more than 200 billions in hiding. (check it out, just like Clinton, the list of people dying under Putin and Hillary, then do a comparison and see who kill more).

    The Jews and Israel control both East and West, to whom they loan more money will win the war as they plan and bet on. The pandemic-genocide and wars make them thrill and it's a fun game for them. Those people need to be eradicated from humanity. Pray that 3 Days of Darkness, God will finish that satanic race/religion.


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