"Montini and the Mimic"-HD Explosive! The Imposter's First Appearance: May 13, 1967. How EVIL to Hijack the 50th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima by the Blessed Virgin Mary. How Evil.


  1. I am not surprised at all for all the tricks and crimes that Anti-Christ Paul VI and his minions did to the true Holy Catholic Church to shut down the Kingship of Christ and His Church so that, they can bring out their Synagogue of Satan: The New Jews World Disorder. But I am very surprised and angry that all our Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Monks, and Nuns shut their mouths and no one dared to ask any questions. Right after the last interview of the true Sister Lucia and Fr. Fuentes, I truly believed that they replaced her. She already so sick, ill, perhaps was dying in the last interview. Perhaps, Our Lady gave her permission to leak out some information to Fr. Fuentes. Somebody must know how to find those notes/booklets/letters... because Vatican II seized all those writings and let Fr. Fuentes died. Somebody must know how to find it, because Fr. Fuentes had sensed that Sister Lucia was poisoned to death and he will be the next. That's why he was working so hard to wrote those 37 articles... Somebody must have the copies. I strongly believed so.

    Now, the WW3 is about to explode and the Third Secret of Fatima and the secrets of Vatican-Moscow Agreement must come out. I had talked to few people who have the connections of the "connect dots about Fatima Secret and the work of Fr. Fuentes..." so keep praying, that "someone" will do their duty on time. They promised all the secrets will be exposed during the WW3, so that, people can make up their minds to choose who is their God.

    The WWI, WWII, and now WWIII, biowarfare-germs-genocide...etc, and Covid-19, Climate Change Hoax, Gas Chamber Hoax... Everything corrupted and evils come from them. They planned all the chaos, and terrorists. Why? They wanted to make people afraid and come bow down to them. "Come and kiss my feet, I have all the solutions of the world..." No, we must fight them, resist them, expose them, and eradicate them. Because, all the evils come from the Jews/Israel for their own agendas and stolen land of Israel. They play both sides of the games. Don't you dare think that Trump or Putin would be your "savior"... No, both of them are puppets and whores for the NWO.

    Doesn't matter Democrats or Republicans, they are all under the NWO-Jewish controlled and manipulated. All the leaders of the West and the East too. "ONLY I CAN HELP YOU." But the world did not believe in Heavenly Peace Plan. The whole world believes in those scumbags-thugs-and-murderers. Two-third of the world will die in WW3, and the side effects of those chemicals and nuclear-wargerms will last for centuries long if not forever. The side effects will be on earth forever long that nobody knows how to clean up. There is only a few people left. Who will clean for them? NOBODY.

  2. What possible reason could they have for engaging in that kind of deceit,made worse by the fact it went on for decades. .The woman to whom the Virgin Mary predicted the end of the war, the second World War ,and the Miracle of the Sun,replaced by an imposter.That photo always came across as strange ,it had a 3D type of effect as if the Pope and Sr Lucia were superimposed on a crowd in the background.Sr Lucia said the Third Secret was to be revealed in 1960 or at her death ,whichever came first.Its obvious they did not want to release that secret .If Sr Lucia passed around 1960 people would have expected them to honour her request ,perhaps thats why a substitute was introduced.

  3. We are evil for not discussing what we should be doing now to change things for the better. Instead of going along with the wishes and whims of evil and greedy men, to control our lives and souls !


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