Dr. Chojnowski Interviewed by Quinton Heisler --- after his big Anne Coulter interview --- on the Neo-Gnostic Infiltration of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Also, CIA, Christendom College, and Triumph Magazine.



  1. The "rivers" are plural!

    Psalm 136, 1: Upon the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and wept: when we remembered Sion:

    This looks to be the future fulfillment of Psalm 136,1!

    As the Rhine flows into the Tiber, as the Potomac flows into the Tibor, as the Amazon flows into the Tibor, there we sat and wept: when we remembered Christendom!

    Dr. Chojnowski, thank you very much for that talk, I appreciate it very much! 2 thumbs up!

    1. Don't need to wait for that time. It's here now. Time to weep is now. There is nothing left on the surface only a few underneath and in hiding. Everything is wiped out. Time to put on shack clothing and weep for repentance. It's here already. Christendom is now in the past. Antichrists and their gods are laughing at us.


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