"Lois Gibson - All Forensic Reports For Sister Lucy Truth- EXPLAINED". How more definitive can you get?


  1. Oh, they know. They know it because they have set the whole thing up to wipe away the Catholic Prophecies. Catholic prophets exposed them and their plans, pure simple!!!. They have to keep on deny it till their death. They will not admit their faults and their crimes. The seeds of Satan have their DNA exactly as their father: the liar and murder from the beginning.

  2. Why Dr. Alcino Magalhães did extracted all of sister Lucy teeths? Whos was that man? This was really necessary? People with dentures lose a lot their facial personality, this made the replacement a lot easier. Dr. Alcino Magalhães contributed to the fraud.

    1. The real Sister Lucy would never ever allowed that to be done on her. Before the interview with Father Fuentes, they already poisoned her to the point she was barely breath. "She is very fail, very sick... and I am so worry of her life..." (Fr. Fuentes). They eliminated the messenger so they don't have to worry about the messages. I think after the interviews, they killed her and begun to "mold" in a fake sister Lucy.


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