I Wonder Why the Catholic Church "had" to Change its Doctrine and Liturgy during Vatican II? Wasn't Max Horkheimer a Leader of the New Left in the 60s?



  1. I told you, all evils come from the Jews, the seeds of Satan. They are "fake Jews" for they did not believe in Scripture nor God. All the true Jews when they saw and listened to Jesus, they believed in Him for the Scripture foretold about Jesus Christ. Christ had set up His Kingdom here on earth in the Catholic Church. The real religion God made is Catholic church, and Israel refer to the Catholic people. The Judaism was cursed and abolished by God on the minute as Christ's last breath. Therefore, the Jews today and its Israel's land today are made of all liars, murderers, and infact Satan's chosen one = his seeds. Not one good thing ever come from them, all bad fruits.

    1. Only Jews involved in the Satanic cult are Tribe of Dan, excluded from the list of 12 Tribes in Apocalypse. The Semite AMORITES are the nexus of evil as enemies and IMPOSTERS from Abraham on.

  2. Though Paul Williams seems to imply secret declassified documents exist in his book "Vatican Exposed" Williams' scholarship is questionable. In his first publication he offers a simplistic "source" to document the declassified documents as proof of their existence.

    Williams quotes Manhattan in several footnotes but following Manhattan's sources is even more suspect. Manhattan doesn't provide a bibliography or any citations just mere narrative and speculation without evidence.

    Subsequent publications of VE are void of the original "citations" Williams provides in the first publication. Hence, either he embellished the existence of the documents or the documents have been suppressed for obvious reasons.

    At this point the only reasonable approach for research is to investigate Zellerbach. If information on Zellerbach can be disclosed it may contain information inadvertently to Siri.

    Any direct request for information relating to Siri is inconclusive however information requested on a secondary source could prove to be primary source. Thus, a request on Zellerbach may reveal evidence that discloses who was truly elected on October 28 1958.

    1. John, can you explain who Zellerbach is?

      There is a large amount of converging evidence which to me provides moral certainty that Siri was elected, with even the Masonic/Communist infiltrators among the cardinals voting for him, since the enemies of Christ knew that the only way to take over the papacy would be through "sede impedita." The threat against Siri, again with much converging evidence, appears to have been a nuclear threat against the Vatican:

      Other articles at whitesmoke1958.com provide an abundance of evidence, including that such impeding of a rightful pope from exercising his office was the fulfillment of many reliable prophecies. The interviews with the principal researcher into the subject, Gary Giuffre, provide even more info, some of it found nowhere else, e.g. his personal dealings with the double agent Malachi Martin, and more. A good place to start would be the witness accounts of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, read by Pius XII on May 13, 1957, that confirmed that Pius XII did read the secret in the company of various chosen cardinals, including the American Cardinal Samuel Stritch, and "wept bitterly" in his room over it. You'll hear that the real 3rd Secret includes the loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that would follow Vatican II (although the exact words of Our Lady of Fatima could not be revealed).

    2. Except for the fact that Siri accepted Vatican II, accepted all the post-Pius XII popes, and never gave any indication that he had ever been elected pontiff.

  3. Cardinal Bea was Jewish and chose Fr Malachi Martin (a double agent serving Jewish interests) as his secretary. Bea was the intermediary between the Jewish organizations pushing for their subversive agenda to influence Vatcan II, and the Vatican, including being exculpated for the crime of Deicide. He wasn't on the 1976 Pecorelli list of Freemasons in high positions in the Church, nor was Roncalli or Montini, but they were all initiated into Freemasonry, all serving Judeo-Masonic interests.

    1. Indeed, Bea was a modernist scoundrel. Martin, however, was just that, a secretary. There is no evidence he was any kind of "double agent." Moreover, his body of written work disproves his association with the cabal as he effectively names names and lays out the whole plot.

    2. Dr Weezil,
      I didn't see your replies until just now notified of the reply by "Anonymous."
      The enemies of the Church could have done anything they wanted to Siri: mind control, drugs, methods we don't know of to influence his mind and behavior. Here's another source of info besides whitesmoke1958.com:

      As for Malachi Martin, he utilized "limited hangout" in his books in order to derail the full story of what happened, especially at the 1958 conclave. Some info on him you will find nowhere else, since it involves Gary Giuffre's personal communications wit him is at youtube.com/channel/UCmJLcKSyO3CBtxJwddm0Ymg --
      Part 1 from about 46 to 52 min,
      Part 2  from about 47 to 52 min and from about 56 to 58 min,
      and Part 3 from about 56 min. 
      Martin turned "white as a ghost" when he unexpectedly heard from Gary Giuffre in 1989 how Gary knew about the overthrow of a validly elected pope on Oct. 26, 1958, when there was the officially unexplained "mistake" of 5 minutes of white smoke and the Vatican Radio announcement, "There can be no doubt - a pope has been elected!" Soon after that he sent Giuffre a thinly veiled death threat. Siri was dead a couple days later.

  4. Yes, Dr. Max Horkheimer was a (((Critical Theory change agent))). He reached Director of the infamous Frankfurt School of Critical Theory following an "endowment from a wealthy businessman." When Jewish malevolence triggered a reaction in Germany, he eventually brought his poison to Los Angeles and the AJC.

    The full letter and attached memorandum can be downloaded here: http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/6A2.PDF

  5. The Catholic Church had to change by the revolutionaries to bring in the NWO, the Mark of the Beast, and the Reign of the Anichrist. Just as Our Lady at La Salette said, "Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse." ( Church in eclipse - silent cowards and apostates) As in today's fake " pandemic". They have more " pandemics" and distractions planned until at least 2030.

    1. They will also use famine and anything else to gain control over nations and people's.

  6. Tell people a big lie about the Church, the Liturgy or about anything else and people will believe It. Most people are easily misled and gullible. Because they are willfully ignorant and really don't care for the truth. They only do as they are told and go along with the majority. That's the problem in today's society. People love money, their jobs,careers and the things of this (messed up and satanic) world too much, instead of God and Truth.

  7. The enemies of the Bible and Catholic teachings, know them better than believers do. They always try to change and alter the Bible and Catholic teachings to make world events less obvious to people. All the more to lead souls astray. And to say true prophesies and facts are not true.

  8. All these things had to happen to the Church and in the world, so Satan can make people, bigger slaves and bigger dummies. Satan knows his time is short. He needs to lead as many souls as possible away from God.

    1. "Bigger slaves and bigger dummies" is right on target. Slavery to sin leads to intellectual blindness. One can still produce intellectual product, but moral, philosophical, and religious understanding becomes obscured, even completely darkened by unrepentant sin - for most people, "sins of the flesh," which Our Lady of Fatima said lead most souls to hell . St Thomas Aquinas said "Unchastity's firstborn offspring is blindness of spirit."

  9. Our Lady at La Salette, France has said, "Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse". ( The Church in eclipse = silent cowards and apostates, also Heretics).

  10. " The Greatest Trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing all that he really didn't exist".


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