"The Real History Of Fatima by Dr. Peter Chojnowski"


  1. Just an observation, having attended 8 years of Catholic school and learning about no Marian apparitions whatsoever. For me, growing up in the 1960-70's, you would hear a lot about Mother Nature and Mother Earth, perhaps trying to take the place of Our Lady.

  2. At this end game, even if there is two different DNA of those two sister Lucia revealed. I think they still come out deny it. They denied Christ is God. They denied the true Mass. They denied everything just about. So well, sister Lucia just might well throw out like the rest. Vatican II "Conciliars" Apostasy Church is run and ruled by the Cabals. When will we wake up and fight back? I don't think we can logic with people who never have logic in their life to begin with. "Your father is a liar and murder from the beginning..." I hope Catholics make up their minds and be real Crusaders for the Cross now. "Fight with all our might, enough reasonable with the enemies with a hope that they recognize the truth and repent." No, they will never recognize the truth and they will never repent. Time to fight. 104 years past due already. WW 3 has begun, officially, if you follow the true news.


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