A Sister Lucy Truth Update -The Fatima Investigation. Clear Findings in the Case Demonstrate that John Paul II was a Liar of the Highest Order. He knew this Woman was NOT Sister Lucy and, yet, He Presented Her to the World as if She Was.


  1. Lies are normal in the ConciLIAR Church

  2. I don't think they killed her, I think it more likely they hid her away somewhere. If she had died that would have pleased whoever they are and it would have been made public. They could have put her in a convent under a different name where she was ordered to not reveal her true identity. She may have even welcomed the anonymity. Or they could have kidnapped her and hid her somewhere maybe even behind the iron curtain. How could they be sure that they wouldn't need her for some reason, but I think God would have protected her from that and I think they would be afraid of her. What if she is still alive? It seems unlikely as she would be 111 years old ( I think she was born in 1910), but God could be keeping her safe for some future purpose.

  3. In deed one of the triumphs of Our Lady of Fatima is exposing the masonic new church that took over the Vatican thru VII Council, certainly part of the third secret and Our Lady's prophecy, Rome will loss the faith and become seat of the antichrist.

  4. Our Lady told us for a fact at least two popes went to Hell for sure. 100% sure. But the Bible and Prophets told us more than that. Our Lady "TWO WORM-RIDDEN POPES" (two popes eaten by worms--the language expression of damned souls in hell and be forever rotten with worms). I personally believe that those two worm ridden popes are Paul VI and John Paul II for both of them are Jewish, one is faggot-gay, and other had double-life (wife or wives and kid or kids)... So the Jews wanted to beat Christ for 2000 years never changed their minds. They want to "create" a "god" that they can control, order, demand, and make useful for their wish. The satanic mentality of the Jews has never ever changed. They do not want to worship a GOD that they have to obey, listen, believe, and serve. The Jews want to control everyone and everything, for 2000 years and in all the countries that they have been resided. Do you find any different pattern of them? None. Nada. Same thing, their hearts, minds, and evil spirits are with them in their DNA. God has to abolished and nulled their religion. The New Covenant and us is the Catholic Church that God has established is the real ISRAEL, not them. They are finished. Only one way for them is the same way for everybody, repent and convert back to the true religion and they must "be born again" by a Holy Blessed Virgin Immaculate Conception to be their mother. They must be born again by a Holy Mother who has NO SIN. That's the only way. No one can enter Heaven if he or she has no mother as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ did not call her "Woman, here is your son, and son, here is your Mother..." for no reason. Ignorant and arrogant who hate her, will never come to know Jesus Christ. They will know the Anti-Christ who will use them and kill them.


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