"Fatima Fraud-Our Case For An Imposter Lucy" Full Film 1. This is a recording of the first and so far only in-person presentation of the Findings from the Sister Lucy Truth investigation. It was recorded at the Fatima Conference in Spokane, Washington in Oct. 2019.

Here is a complete audio presentation of our first, and so far only, in-person presentation of the results of the Sister Lucy Truth investigation  that began in 2017 and continues to this very day. After listening to this and viewing all of our so-far-published information at sisterlucytruth.org, please tell us if we have not at least shown you that there is need for an investigation into the case of Sister Lucy dos Santos, the famous Seer of Fatima. 

As was even clear 2 years ago, but has become clearer over the past months, when we are dealing with the case of Sister Lucy dos Santos, the actual seer of Fatima, who predicted and witnessed the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917, we find that we are clearly and undeniably dealing with a case of stolen identity that could be the result of murder, kidnapping, or illicit confinement. The overwhelming evidence backing up that assertion, plus the total lack of real scientific evidence that would argue the contrary, has been presented by Sister Lucy Truth in the public forum, accessible on-line at sisterlucytruth.org

Based upon the findings present in these reports we have found that there was an imposter substituted for the real Sister Lucy of Fatima at least by the date of May 13, 1967 when the Imposter appeared along side Paul VI when the latter was making an obligatory trip to Fatima to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first apparition. The woman that appeared on that day has been scientifically identified as the same woman that appeared as "Sister Lucy" in 1982 when John Paul II, after the assassination attempt against him on May 13, 1981, "visited" "Sister Lucy" in his attempt to associate his recovery with the Fatima Apparitions and, seemingly, to prepare the ground for the claim that the Third Secret, given in 1917 was actually about the assassination attempt against him in 1981, even though, according to Sister Lucy, the Secret was supposed to be released by 1960 because by that year, the content of the Secret would be "clearer." In light of the scientific findings in this case, we at Sister Lucy Truth assert that this first visit to the Imposter in 1982 was the first stage of an attempt to hijack the Third Secret for John Paul II's own Neo-Modernist ends. Suddenly, by 2000 HE WAS THE HERO AND MEANING OF THE THIRD SECRET. We are convinced that this could only have happened if there was an imposter which long before had taken the place of Sister Lucy of Fatima

Now Sister Lucy Truth moves its investigation on to answering the questions, why it was done, how it was done, when it was done, who did it, and who was the substitute put in the place of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima. We will also seek the DNA proof that will render our case irrefutable. Please support us by donating at sisterlucytruth.org/donate 


  1. Further investigation should also be done into the assassination attempt on JPII, and whether there is sufficient evidence to show that what took place is not what we've been told. A good starting point could be this article and accompanying video:


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