Dr. Marian Horvat, who was TOTALLY Unresponsive to our Early Request for Cooperation, Makes the Ridiculous Claim that Sister Lucy Truth has not Gone Beyond the Personal Analysis of the Pictures of the Two Sister Lucys done by Horvat herself. As We Said in the Beginning of Our Investigation, the Perception was Had by Others Concerning the Two Sister Lucys, but We were going to Use the Latest Scientific Techniques and Expertise to Determine the Truth of the Matter. We also are not satisfied by saying, "Perhaps we will know the truth [of the matter] at the Last Judgment."


Chojnowski Watering Wet Ground

Dear Dr. Horvat, 

I remember reading a number of your articles (here and here) on this subject more than a decade ago... it seemed to me at the time that your photographic analysis was quite definitive.  

Dr. Chojnowski has resurrected your original thesis and is attracting a good deal of attention for his Sister Lucy Truth site. 

Has Dr. Chojnowski uncovered any new information on this topic or merely capitalizing on your original work? 


Dr. Horvat responds: 

Dear J.K., 

Thank you for your inquiry. 

I do not believe that Dr. Chojnowski has uncovered any new information, although he has raised considerable funds and hired a company to demonstrate that a careful analysis of the two sets of pictures shows: the impossibility that the face of Sister Lucy II is the same as Sister Lucy I.  

However, this had already been demonstrated by The Servants of the Holy Family in Colorado who hired an age progression and regression photo company to come up with the same conclusion: The photos of Sister Lucy I and II are definitely different people. Mr. Guimarães analyzes the results here

I am glad Mr. Chojnowski, who was, I am told, quite skeptical of my article when it appeared in 2006, has taken the opposite view and now supports my thesis. 

How the change was made by the Vatican and all the complex details this would involve has not, however, been discovered. Perhaps we will only know the truth in the Reign of Mary, or at the Last Judgment. 


     Dr. Marian T. Horvat 



Also, when we began this effort in 2017, TIA totally ignored our request for any pictures they would have that would help our investigation. They were totally uncooperative. 

Horvat and Guimaraes dropped the ball some 15 years ago, Sister Lucy Truth is running the ball down the field to this day. Knowing the small amount of money we are dealing with, considering all the professionals that need to be paid for their services, and in light of the multimillions being funneled into places like the Fatima Center and other "traditional" organizations, the claim that we have raised a "considerable" amount of money is not even humorous. 

For the latest on the findings and reports of the Sister Lucy investigation see:


For a age progression analysis from a Forensic Artist who holds the Guinness Book of World Records for her identification of criminals through her drawings, see: 



  1. The more people wake up and know about the true story happened with Sister Lucia and the Catholic Church is better. All Catholics need to work together to fight back, take back the church and bring out the TRIUMPH TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. If "Traditional Catholics" acting and fighting among themselves as infidels, what good is made? I am glad that Dr. Chojnowski reached out to Horvat after 15 years in doubting. Perhaps, after 15 years, he can see the coverup and related story between Fatima clearer to pursue a serious investigation???!!! Dr. Horvat should set aside the emotion feeling and look at the big picture. This is not about anyone but about GOD, HEAVEN, ANTICHRIST, AND HELL. I pray for both of you. You're good Catholics, and everything God gave to you, you can use it more effectivity and successfully when both of you cooperate in this huge scandal. You both can expose the coverup and save the church and mankind from the reign of the AntiChrist. Think deep with charity and humility. God bless.

  2. How strange that they wouldn't reply. Maybe someone got their goat
    All prayers for you Dr. Chojnowski! This us the biggest issue, perhaps second to the true identity of the pope, in our lifetime. Godspeed.

  3. The routine branding by TIA readers of Black Lives Matter as terrorists has led me to stop looking at that site.

  4. May I most humbly note that I TOLD YOU SO! You, each person active in faith and burning with zeal in charity for God and for souls, each one grounded in the knowledge of the unfailing divine history of hope, ARE THE ONLY ANSWER! ALL Catholic franchise floggers like too-little-too-late Horvat and Taylor Marshall and "The Vortex" are diverted, subverted and infiltrated. ALL. "Mr." Chojnowski alone has kept aloft the standard of scientific truth in unveiling this darkest and most deadly of secrets; that Fatima freedom has been erased by an imposter Sister Lucy2 who soft-pedaled Hell, declared the Third Secret was for the Pope alone, and said the consecration of the "world" to the Immaculate Heart was accepted, and we are now living in the time of peace from her triumph. I explicitly warned of the duplicity of "Dr." (PhD like Chojnowski) Marian Horvat and her duped blue-haired supporters in the online article "THE NICE GIRL" documenting the promotion of the "Nobility & Traditional ELITE," elitism being the polar opposite of God's sovereign will to select the unknown-to-us ELECT. TFP and AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA and TRADITION IN ACTION (Tradition INACTION) are the lukewarm, soul-smashing, money-grubbing CONTROLLED OPPOSITION derailing any lively Catholicism from surfacing. These Gnostics promote the cultus of their rounder founder, Plinio, and his divinity-spawning Mummy. Please read pagan researcher MILES MATHIS "UPDATES" online for the genealogy, not ideology, of the French Revolution-to-date Catholic Killers, tracing the royal elite inbreds like the Baroness wife of Karl Marx, Jenny Marx, whose family owns King Ranch in Texas, making Texas and their Fake-O Waco "patriots" the world headquarters of Amorite fake-Jew fascism that started out fronting for worker-loving Marxism. Read MILES MATHIS on "Hidden Kings" and "Kennedy Gay?" and scour BitChute "Transvestigation" pieces on trannys like Jackie Kennedy...And Sister Lucy2. Pray for me, please, I am most grateful for prayer, and will keep such benefactors--and our malefactors--in prayer. Thanks be to God for lone voices like Dr. Chojnowski and may God lavishly bless all such souls. And do NOT give cash or info to any "Catholic" groups like AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA or you will be eternally damned and timelessly dunned to donate to our mutually-assured destruction.
    "Pray the daily Rosary for peace." --Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal 1917

  5. WAYBACK MACHINE could not find this old posting, but I finally did. With your permission:
    Marian Horvat: The "Nice Girl" of Integrism
    By A. Gerard Nordskoven

    Watching a Catholic community autodestruct is wrenching. The Society for Tradition, Family & Property, or TFP, is eating Kansas City alive. It is a scenario played out all over the world. TFP is an all-male secret society promoting a "higher" calling than the priesthood, the warrior-monk. TFP is a cold-blooded vocation killer. Not one priest has arisen from their "conservative" formation of young men anywhere in its international ranks since its founding in the early sixties. None. One of TFP's slickest Screwtapes has been a woman, Marian Horvat. Horvat, president of the TFP's California offshoot, Tradition in Action, distinguished herself as one of four collaborating signatories to "We Resist You to the Face," a manifesto
    for Catholic schism. Before that, Horvat's duties were in the heartland, and more along the line of "We Stab You in the Back" with the quiet destruction of the faithful. She's a "nice girl", well-spoken and polite. And she gave TFP and their ideas entré into nice families. The Catholic scholars at her alma mater, K.U., saw through the Horvat family obsession with TFP and
    rejected their overtures to infiltrate the Integrated Humanities Program, a veritable incubator for clerics and other religious. Others have not been so discerning. Pious boys exploring their calling have hardened into caustic snobs who are taught by TFP recruiters to despise their parents as "the fountain of my revolution."

    The simplest mystery of ʝʊdɛօ-Christianity is election. Yet it is almost unfathomable that the Most High chooses to grace souls and peoples for reasons unknown to man. The antithesis of election, indeed a tenet of Babylonian Mystery Religions (as is secrecy), is elitism. This is man exalting himself above other men. We were warned. The Lord reviled the people's desire for a king to rule over them, and told of their inevitable exploitation. Hindu elitism is writ in the squalor of a rigid caste system. The unholy marriage of elitism and Catholicity was fabricated in TFP founder Plinio's book, The Nobility and Traditional Elites. It was offered for sale after the Latin Mass approved by the KCMO Bishop. $50.00 was the penance exacted for presuming to be a noble, elite Catholic. But the young salesmen were friends of Marian, glowingly praised in the tome. And she was smart, a K.U. teaching assistant who hammered a journalism degree into a doctorate in Medieval History.

    Few read the lavishly illustrated book, consigning it to the coffee table. In Nobility, the race and blood cults condemned by Piux XII are resurrected in his own words, spin doctored to fit TFP's agenda. Pius XII's flattering pleas to the nobility of Italy for funds to feed the starving during World War II are transformed into support for TFP's militant monarchists. Published two years before Plinio's death, Marian Horvat garnered high honors from the author for her assistance. That's saying a lot. Plinio
    Correa de Oliveira was a self-styled demigod, described reflexively in a TFP litany to his mother, Dona Lucilia, as the "Axiological Principle," or First Cause, a divinity. That's the secret side of TFP. In Plinio's book, the elite are defined as bluebloods, and as "professors" like himself and Marian. It is a predatory philosophy of NON SERVIAM, like the fictional
    spaceman's cookbook, "How to Serve Man." Horvat's brother adds information for the American audience. The elite of America were the Southern slaveholder in general, and genetic marvels like Robert E. Lee in specific. Here is the race and blood cult American-style...CONTINUED

  6. Marian Horvat: The "Nice Girl" of Integrism
    By A. Gerard Nordskoven
    Priests do not fit into the TFP schema. They serve. They are poor. They don't rule countries. The colorful "scroll" centerfold in Nobility proclaims "the preferential option for the nobility." John Paul II's "preferential option for the poor" is directly contradicted. That's refreshing. There can be no question whose side they are on. The schismatic heraldry of "We Resist
    You to the Face" was just a flourish on a split with the Servant of Servants started years before. TFP disdains the priesthood, predicting it's obsolescence. No priests, no Eucharist. Wormwood, be advised. Horvat's crocodile tears for lost vocations as inspiring "We Resist You to the Face" are hypocritical. Styling herself a latter day Joan of Arc, Horvat is a free agent serving only demigod Plinio and the Ten Kings of the Antichrist with no regard for prelates unless they are useful as camouflage for TFP, or Tradition in Action, or the America Needs Fatima cash cow. Radical materialism is the name of the game and another hallmark of Babylonian Mystery Religions. That's the philosophical basis for Communism, so it is no surprise that K.U.'s long-time campus Communist converted to Horvat's brand of Catholicism. One gets all the exploitation without any of the guilt. The poor are solicited by mail for a dollar a day, and the wealthy get quietly approached for donations of homes, large sums of money, and farms, not to mention the entrustment of children. Horvat guided the formation of young women in her home-school Sodality, and the children of "traditional" Catholics in other educational venues.

    Marian Horvat is an apt pupil of TFP's techniques, and ingratiates herself to the wealthy, well-educated and powerful only. Peasants are the enemy, and perhaps too reminiscent of her blue-collar background. Catholic scholars cotton to her, and she sailed her pirate ship under their colors whenever possible. Alice Von Hildebrand was shamefully used in discussions aired on
    EWTN. She slipped one over on the elderly philosopher by dropping Plinio's name into the mix. EWTN got wind of it and axed the "Feminity and Feminism" series. But this virago is far from feminine. Horvat's favorite ploy for testing the mettle of protegés at the family compound was to invite them over and release their snapping, snarling German Shephards. Some left, some signed on to continue undermining the Catholic community in her stead. Horvat came razor close to imposing a TFP school on Kansas City residents under the banner of a conservative Catholic education. The monied Texas woman Horvat talked into bankrolling the venture got wind of her unseemly connections and mercifully withdrew.

    Watch for this coiling snake of Babylonian cast, and beg the Blessed Virgin to have bare feet ready to crush its head. Postcards may be found in the back of church from "America Needs Fatima." One response and it is virtually impossible to be free from TFP's dunning direct mail solicitation. And the Boys from Brazil are very appealing as they march like Medieval militants in their red capes, inserting themselves at the head of pro-life rallies, or setting up bookstalls at Catholic conferences, usually without permission. They are spoiling for a fight, and it is not with the forces of evil for which they claim they need lots of cash. It is with the Magisterium, in that they are already condemned by the Brazilian bishops conference, their home
    country. It is with Peter, as "We Resist You to the Face" obsequiously declares. It is with God, as blithely breaking the first command to honor no false gods. That's Plinio, who did not arise from the dead as he prophesied of himself. And do watch out for nice girls in pearls. "PRAY AND WORK" --SAINT BENEDICT


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