Did Our Lady Predict, in 1920, the Constant Persecution and Final Demise of Sister Lucy of Fatima? It appears so. Dr. Chojnowski: Here are a basic chronological description of the life of Lucy dos Santos up until her sudden disappearance sometimes between 1957 and 1967. I would like to put special emphasis --- as I did with my bolding of the text and capitalization --- on the Prophecy that Our Lady made to Jacinta immediately before her death concerning her cousin Lucy. For all of the below, we follow the account given in the excellent text by Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight (Niagra Falls, Ontario: Marmion Publications, 2003). The Life of Lucia dos Santos, Seer of Fatima Life before and during the Apparition, both of the Angel and of the Mother of God Lucia dos Santos, born the sixth and last child of Antonio and Maria dos Santos. She came into the world on March 22, 1907. Her family and that of her 1 st cousins Jacinta and Franscisco Marto lived in a little
Poor Steve Skojec, and all the other discouraged, despondent, confused, unhappy, "betrayed," etc. etc. Catholics who don't know what happened to the Church to bring it to this present abominably deplorable and scandalous state. The need t know what happened at the 1958 papal conclave, which inaugurated the "Eclipse of the Church" and the long-prophesied "Great Apostasy." I'd leave a comment at his blog but it costs money so I'll try to email him, something I thought I'd do a while back after getting banned from 1Peter5. Unless he's changed, Steve doesn't even accept the undeniable (except by a violent act of the will) proof of the Sr Lucia Impostor. I don't think any of these semi-trad sites mention it. Orders from on high must be saying, Don't go down that dangerous and explosive rabbit hole! Fear and cowardice are apparently epidemic, and blindness. How many Catholics even question the scandalous and sacrilegious "canonizations" of the three NWO assets John XXIII "the Caretaker," Paul VI "the Destroyer" and an active homosexual, and JPII "the globetrotting superstar," the latter who got rid of the "devil's advocate" in the canonization process to make their unholy "sainthood" possible? Fr Luigi Villa wrote scathingly revealing articles on all three of them, but what he discovered and wrote about had to be suppressed. He also had 7 attempts on his life.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I'm at peace because I can see what happened, why, and by whom. "Felix qui potuit [potest] rerum cognoscere causas." I see myself as a special forces soldier under Our Lady. So many Catholics are miserable because they don't know the causes of things and are therefore confused. Where do I start? Do you prefer a video/audio presentation? Then "Papal Imposters" (except the Judeo-Masonic asset Malachi Martin was intentionally deceiving when he spoke about the 1963 conclave, to divert attention from the pivotal 1958 conclave which produced the first of 6 anti-popes), and "The Siri Project."
Or articles:
The takeover of the visible structures of the Church culminating in the crime of "sede impedita" at the 1958 conclave is obvious to me, but then again, I've done a lot of research on the subject, plus I don't have to pay a high price for believing in sedevacantism (the situation in the Church after the rightfully elected pope died in 1989, or was most likely murdered, the likely fate of Sr Lucia as well). Most people experience serious cognitive dissonance when presented with evidence for the threatening into (invalid) abdication of a rightfully elected pope. How will this affect me? is a natural reaction. There is a price to pay for accepting the unpleasant truth, but as Jesus said to St Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you." And Our Lady of Fatima promised, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge..." Coraggio! Be thankful you are being called to be part of a small but growing "Remnant" faithful to Catholic Tradition in all things, including all the sacramental rites, all of which Paul VI "the Destroyer" changed, invalidating the all-important episcopal consecration rite -- intentionally. The story on that extremely important subject is at https://novusordowatch.org/2018/06/unholy-orders-50-years-invalid-ordinations/
The Holy Spirit has drawn many to Sedevacantism. In the end the true Church will be victorious with Our Lady's triumph.
DeleteThanks Darrell!