Sobering Quotations from the Newly Released Book on the Fatima Miracle. The Logical Inference: Our Lady literally moves the Heavens so that Our Faith and Belief in the Message of Fatima can be Strengthened.

Some heartening quotations from the newly released text. 

Here are some of the most fascinating quotations: 

On p. 53, The author speaks of the "scientific attitude" exhibited by Lucia dos Santos when she was asked if the Lady that appeared to her and the other two children was the Blessed Virgin Mary. She told her mother, "I do not know if it is Our Lady. It was a most beautiful lady." 
This was one of the first statements made by Lucia concerning the Lady of the Apparition. This is the girl who, according to the findings of this text, is either the greatest astrophysicist in human history --- since she made predictions which no astrophysicist could EVER predict or she was the messenger of the Blessed Virgin Mary who said that SHE would work a miracle on October 13th so that all may believe (p. 69). 

(p. 69), The author gives an account of the dialogue between Lucia and Our Lady:

"What do you want of me," said Lucia very humbly.
"Let the people continue to say the rosary. In the last month, in October, I shall perform a miracle so that all may believe." 

The author notes that this was the third time that Our Lady predicted a miracle for October 13th. 

Lucia: "Many people say that I am a swindler who should be hanged or burned. Please perform a miracle for all to believe.

Our Lady: "Yes, in October, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe."

(p. 71) The author states, "The enemies of the Church were preparing a big celebration after the Miracle was expected to fail." 
Dr. Chojnowski: Just a note here, but the Miracle HAPPENED, a scientifically unpredictable miracle happened, and STILL the faithful allowed the enemies of the Church to penetrate and take over the institutional organization. Go figure. What really does God need to do to get us to have a bit of courage? 



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