Cardinals Unhinged: Another Lie from a Cardinal based upon the Testimony of the Fake Sister Lucy. No, Sister, the Greatest Issue of Our Age is NOT the Family (Vaguely Defined), but Rather THE CATHOLIC FAITH AND SANCTIFYING GRACE.


Rorate Caeli has released a translation of a remarkable interview, originally published in 2008, with Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna. In it, he references correspondence he had with Sister Lucia, the principal visionary of Our Lady at Fatima: Q. There is a prophecy by Sister Lucia dos Santos, of Fatima, which concerns “the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan”. The battlefield is the family. Life and the family. We know that you were given charge by John Paul II to plan and establish the Pontifical Institute for the Studies on Marriage and the Family.

>Yes, I was. At the start of this work entrusted to me by the Servant of God John Paul II, I wrote to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her Bishop as I couldn’t do so directly. Unexplainably however, since I didn’t expect an answer, seeing that I had only asked for prayers, I received a very long letter with her signature – now in the Institute’s archives. In it we find written: the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the familyDon’t be afraid, she added, because anyone who operates for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be contended and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. And then she concluded: however, Our Lady has already crushed its head.

Talking also to John Paul II, you felt too that this was the crux, as it touches the very pillar of creation, the truth of the relationship between man and woman among the generations. If the founding pillar is touched the entire building collapses and we see this now, because we are at this point and we know it. And I’m moved when I read the best biographies of Padre Pio , on how this man was so attentive to the sanctity of marriage and the sanctity of the spouses, even with justifiable rigor on occasion. 

Dr. Chojnowski: Sorry your Eminence and "Sister Lucy," wrong! First you both are servants of a Counterfeit Church, secondly, any message from "Sister Lucy" after December 26, 1957 is fraudulent since we have scientifically and mathematically proven that the woman who appeared as "Sister Lucia of Fatima" was an imposter. We still assume that such a minor point matters! Next, we can see how two agents of NewChurch of the New World Order would be clueless as to the real issues at hand for "modern man." The central issues have to do with the supernatural, which is real, essential and necessary for the eternal salvation of every human being on the planet. This central issues are not "family," vaguely defined. Indeed, the family is only collapsing into meaninglessness and perversion BECAUSE Catholic doctrine was "changed" due to Vatican II and these errors were spread by the "hierarchy" that came out of that 60s era. The central battles between God and Lucifer have to do with: the very objectivity of truth, the very idea that the mind is meant to conform to the created order, the existence of sanctifying grace that raises the human soul to the supernatural level of the divine life; the validity of the sacraments of the Catholic Church, the validity of the Mass which is the chief source of grace to the world, the validity of the Orders of the Church that are the necessary conduits of sanctifying grace, the identity of the Catholic Church as the ONLY vessel of salvation for the world, the fact that it is due to the possession of sanctifying grace in our soul that we are able to avoid the fires of Hell for all eternity. 

Dear Eminence and "Sister Lucy," obviously the jettisoning of all of this SUPERNATURAL content was the main reason why Lucifer felt that he could move safely on to destroy and pervert even the NATURAL order. 


  1. At a minimum all post Pius XII fake Popes and CDF heads have to be in on the real Sister Lucy's disappearance and magical reappearance. Someone either "disappeared" the real Sister Lucy or botched the cosmetic makeover after sending her to a "Truth adjustment" retreat house. Other wise, how do you explain her long disappearance and then reappearing to magically support the Vatican 2 Popes and their modernist nonsense? You can't and keep a straight face. These post Pius XII V2 Popes are no more legitimate than their Fake Sister Lucy turned modernist. NO POPE? NO CHURCH! How Ratzinger doesn't come clean on this is Satanic. He is not long for living.....and yet he remains silent on the greatest fraud committed in Church History. We have to believe that Our Lord and His Mother are not too happy with these "Popes". Only explanation? He's an apostate and doesn't believe in God or Hell. On second thought, that would explain why ALL the V2 "Popes" did what they did and continue to do......APOSTATES ALL!

  2. Can't you people see the face of the devil in Bertone face and eyes. The guy was diabolical possessed for all the lies that he made up for Vatican II to silence the voice of Sister Lucia and the request of Heavenly Queen. They don't want peace. They want wars and apostasy church so that they can bring out their own "messiah" of the Jewish-Cabals New Jews World Disorder. All popes, all Cardinals, all Bishops and everyone who bowed down to the Luciferians' church Vatican II are being possessed. The truth is made right in front of their eyes but they could not see it. The guilt and the chastisement for Benedict XVI is so great. He needs our prayers and our sacrifice specify to pray for his conversion. He needs to come out clean right now, before it is too late for him. He is just as much guilty as them. He knows about the 3 secrets of Fatima. He knows about who killed the real Sister Lucia. He knows about who lurked inside the church to destroy the church from within. Matter fact, his modernism contributed a lot into the shape and form of the Vatican II, therefore, the blood of the innocents and the lost of souls, he will be judged severely. Jesus said "pray a great deal for the pope..."

    1. Benedict was an anti-pope just like the other V2 papal usurpers. He isn't even a bishop, having been "consecrated" in the new invalid episcopal consecration rite foisted on the Church by the homosexual Jew and Freemason Paul VI ( (and 2 other short related articles there). On the invalid rite for bishops, see


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