Benedict XVI Throws Resignationists Under the Bus. Calls them "Fanatical." Says there Can Only Be One Pope and It is Francis. He Clearly Does Not Believe that He Only Partially Resigned the Papacy. He Certainly is NOT in Revolt Against the REVOLTING Francis.


  1. He is under attacked, both spiritually and physically. Francis was a bouncer in a night club and he still run everything as a pedophile-bouncer. Somebody must rescue Pope Benedict XVI. Pray for him, imagine when they forced him to resign, they beaten him up and intent to assassinate him. I am quite sure Pope Benedict XVI know his fate if he say otherwise. He answered by his dress code, his signature, his blessings... He is saying loud and clear since 1993 to present but nobody come to rescue him. He couldn't resist the devils in shepherds' clothing. He needs our prayers. Didn't JESUS CHRIST told Jacinta "PRAY A GREAT DEAL FOR THE HOLY FATHER..." On the other hand, Pope Benedict XVI also a heretic, a modernist. He contributed into the fake Vatican II church for many decades. Therefore, he has no graces or blessings to overcome his own errors unless he receives the great graces and blessings to resist the Freemasons and pedophile-mobs insider the church. Pray for him to have courage and resist the enemy and willing to die for Christ and His Holy Church. He is not speaking as a shepherd but as a traitor.

  2. There is no such quote: "it is Francis"!

  3. Notice he called him Francis ,he could have made his point by giving him his full title,as in Pope Francis .There are those who say these interviews are orchastrated .Its a pity he was not asked his opinion on a Amazon idol been brought into St Peter's .


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