Astrophysicist of 57 years, in a book soon to be published, Proves that the Miracle of Fatima is a Scientifically Verifiable and Unprecedented Event Whose Miraculous Character was Wonderously Proven By Its Being Predicted 3 Months Prior to the Miracle, which took place EXACTLY at the Time Predicted.


Here is the text of Sister Lucy Truth tweets that I put up this morning: 

Scientific Proof for the Miracle of the Sun. In a text, yet to be published, a physicist of 57 years and a full professor at two universities, demonstrates that the Miracle of the Sun, which occurred on October 13, 1917 is an unprecedented scientifically verifiable FACT.
The book was written over the course of a year and was inspired by an article, entitled "The Miracle of the Sun" written by Dr. Peter Chojnowski, which was itself based upon a lecture given in both Rome and Brazil. The astrophysicist is a self-described "former Catholic."
The scientist indicated to me yesterday that the Miracle of the Sun is a scientifically unprecedented event, which was not in any way a matter of mass suggestion or based upon any type of purely subjective psychological experience.
Unknowingly, and to the physicist's retrospective surprise, his book was completed on May 13, 2020.
The research for this book, shows that the 8 scientific explanations for the Miracle --- including that of Stanley Jaki and the one claiming "alien" involvement -- can be completely dismissed as untenable.
Even though no longer being a Catholic, the physicist said his study of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun has made him an unbounded admirer of Lucia of Fatima.
The physicist says, based upon astronomical charts depicting the exact position of the sun, stars, and asteroids, etc. on October 11 -13, 1917, a comet fell to earth from the Psi Virginids meteor stream. Notice Psi VIRGINIDS.
This astronomical event, involving a comet coming to earth, passing over the sun, would produce exactly the phenomena experienced by the 70,000 witnesses at Fatima on that day. It would be a scientifically unprecedented event since never before has a comet come to earth.
Never before would a comet have come to earth, just stones. The Miracle would be proven since the fall of comets cannot be predicted by science and yet, this Miracle, which the scientist predicts took place 10 minutes after Midday on October 13, 1917, was predicted 3 months before.
This gives a whole new significance to Lucia's telling the crowds, at the precisely correct moment, to "put down their umbrellas." Just gives you the shivers --- doesn't it. I will get a detailed look at the book soon. It has charts, explanations, and pictures, etc.
The scientist indicted that his research is in no way a debunking of the Miracle, quite the contrary. It provides the empirically verifiable foundation for the Miracle. Science can explain the phenomena, but NOT the prediction. That PROVES THE MIRACLE.
This would totally obviate any type of Modernist epistemological interpretation of the Miracle of the Sun. In fact, it would obviate Modernism itself. SCIENTIFICALLY speaking. Happy Feast (real one) of St. Thomas Aquinas!


  1. God gave graces to people who seek the truth, who love the truth, who live the truth and who defend the truth. Others who denied and lied even facts given to them right in their eyes are condemned in this life already and in the next. Rest for sure, She said "In the End My Immaculate Will Triumph..." She will explode the truth and no ones can deny it no more. Pray and fight, our battles are many and will not over until She says so. God bless you for doing this very important perhaps the most important issue that will change everything. They killed the real Sister Lucia because she will be the best witness to defend the church and glorify God and they can't afford to let she live. The bastards in sheep clothing killed a Saint, a Prophet, a great prophet of the end time.

  2. This is beyond fascinating. I can’t wait to purchase this book!




    Here is the latest miracle of the Sun, this time in Peschiera del Garda, province of Verona. It happened on February 22, 2021, the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle. Although it was an important feastday in the Church, the Sun "worked". Why? In order to indicate the specific gravity of the prophecy about the popes written by Saint Malachi [No. 110]: 'De labore solis'. Was JPII the Sun that works? No, he wasn't that. The phrase 'De labore solis' related to JPII only hints where this Sun-Fire comes from. [Luke 12:49] “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” The Lord Jesus said that, and probably did because the Sun shows its wonderful activity in different places and days.

  5. ".....a physicist of 57 years and a full professor at two universities...."
    Get ready. Although this is wonderfully exciting news for truth and people of faith, we must expect a full assault on the messenger. Assuming, he is in his late 70's/early 80's his mental capacity is going to be challenged as well as his book. Either, that or he will be entirely ignored.
    Our Lady of Fatima, protect your most unlikely messenger.

  6. "On May 24, 1995, Over 30,000 Catholics from the unofficial Church had gathered for Mass at the Dong Lu shrine on the vigil of the Feast of Our Lady, Mary Help of Christians. There were four bishops of the unofficial Church concelebrating the Mass and close to 100 unofficial priests outside in a field. Suddenly, during the opening prayer and again during the consecration, the people saw the sun spinning from right to left, with light rays of various shades emanating from the sky. During an apparition that lasted approximately 20 minutes, witnesses saw Our Lady of China and the Child Jesus in the sky as well as the Holy Family, the Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit." Quote end.


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