Jonathan Swan: The Cabinet Is Acting As If Trump ‘Is Not The President’ ...If Trump does not have the Nuclear Codes and if his Cabinet is not listening to him, who exactly is in charge? It seems as if the Old Enlightenment Constitution of 1787 is VERY MUCH on the Edge. What are Foreign Powers Doing to Take Advantage of the Situation?


  1. I believe the signs are very clear, we are here...Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2Thes 2, Apocalypse 6-15, the Fatima secrets. Fr. Martin's warnings before he died said that within approximately 20 years from late 1990's the events of the Fatima secrets not fully revealed will begin to commence.

    Our God given Catholic senses tells us that great tribulations and chastisements will be required to turn humanity back to God. How can we be surprised of the coming wrath. Are we not familiar with how Our Lord chastised the Israelites by granting their enemies to subdue the Holy Land and force many into exile as punishment for their infidelity to the Covenant?

    Will not God's wrath be even more justified against unfaithful Catholics over the past 300-500 years to today's clear worldwide revolt against God? Most churchmen, religious, and laity are deceived and, worst of all, most desire to remain in their comfortable deception, wrought by the Judeo / Masonic enemies of Christ.

    Blessed be God and His mercy over the past 200 years through the heavenly visits from Our Mother to warn those of good will the coming events due to the loss of the Faith and deplorable sins for the Nations.

    It is time for this Masonic Republic, for which it never objectively stood under God, to end. It is a miracle that this nation lasted as long as it did, degenerated from the false precepts of Americanism, condemned by the Church, now in its death throws.

    From the standpoint of God's Will for Church and State to be united for the help of souls, we clearly see that only through great tribulation and chastisement, will the Church's coming triumph see the State reunited to the Church under the Social Reign of Christ the King... I


    1. Sr. Lucia spoke of to Catholic historian William Thomas Walsh in 1946: "Unless a sufficient number comply with Our Lady’s demands, every nation in the entire world without exception will be enslaved."

      The remedy?

      "[Our Lady of Fatima] told me, as well as my cousins, that God is giving two last remedies to the world: the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And, being the last remedies, that is to say, they are the final ones, means that there will be no others." (Sr Lucia; Conversation with Fr Augustin Fuentes, December 26, 1957; her last public interview before being replaced by an impostor)

  2. Prophecy tells us that nation states must fall to usher in a one world government so that the Anti-Christ can rule. Perhaps this is the beginning of the end.

  3. Thank you, Patrick, for your eminently sensible take. So full of the apprehension of reality, 'tis!


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