As we get closer to the Truth. The idea that Sister Lucy of Fatima died in 1949 on account of "death announcement" by the Carmelites, is clearly false. The notice says that "Maria Lucia of the Immaculate Heart" was Professed on October 3, 1928. The real Sister Lucy was CERTAINLY not professed in the Carmelites then, but 20 years later. Whoever the nun was who died in 1949, it wasn't SISTER LUCY, SEER OF FATIMA. That was easy. And No Fees!'s/msg730575/?topicseen;PHPSESSID=tpq9vp8b5iskmgl2qoh3h72ls0#msg730575


  1. The real Lucy dos Santos made her religious vows at the Convent of the Dorothean Sisters in Tuy, Galicia, Spain, on October 3, 1928.

    1. From Wikipedia. This information below clearly indicates that the claim that she died in 1949 on May 31 is totally false. That is the day that she entered the Carmelites. We have many pictures of Sister Lucy, the real one, as a fully professed Carmelite, not as a novice or postulant. If she died, she died at least 10 years after this.

      Lúcia moved to Porto in 1921, and at 14 was admitted as a boarder in the school of the Sisters of St. Dorothy in Vilar, on the city's outskirts. On 24 October 1925, she entered the Institute of the Sisters of St. Dorothy as a postulant in the convent in Tui, Pontevedra, Spain, just across the northern Portuguese border. Lúcia professed her first vows on 3 October 1928, and her perpetual vows on 3 October 1934, receiving the name "Sister María das Dores" (Mary of the Sorrows).

      She returned to Portugal in 1946 (where she visited Fátima incognito), and in March 1948, after receiving special papal permission to be relieved of her perpetual vows, entered the Carmelite convent of Santa Teresa in Coimbra, where she resided until her death.[10] She made her profession as a Discalced Carmelite on 31 May 1949, taking the religious name Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.


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