"What Happened to Sister Lucy of Fatima?"- in HD The Last Visit of Sister Lucy to Fatima. 1946, when she was still a Dorothean Nun.


  1. We can be assured that the pedigree of what happened to Sr Lucia is the same as the deceptions from the same evil men of the luciferian world order. They have their diabolical prints on many. Just a few notables.

    Deception in bringing down the Austria-Hungarian monarchy

    Deception of the Balfour Declaration

    Deception of the Federal Reserve and IRS

    Deception of Bolshevik Revolution

    Deception of the dialectic between capitalism and communism

    Deception of Pearl Harbor attack

    Deception of JFK and RFK assassinations

    Deception of Tet Offensive

    Deception of Vatican II

    Deception of dollar based economy

    Deception of national elections

    Deception of bloated government spending

    Deception of 911

    Deception of 2008 market crash

    Deception of Cv19

    False Fatima and False Sr Lucy and all of the above are all of the same lineage

    They cannot deceive Our King... I hear the trumpets of God's wrath... pray much... the hour is here.

    Ave Maria

  2. Yes, Sr. Lucia and Our Lady's Fatima Message was taken over by the same ancient cabal of deception, the mystery of iniquity. The pedigree of the disappearance of Sr. Lucia is the same as the deceptions that God allowed as punishment to humanity in the over throw of Christian monarchs and nations; the French Revolution; the establishment of free republics; the dialectic of capitalism and communism; the Balfour Declaration; the many false flags to instigate WWI, WWII, and soon WWIII; the assassination of JFK and RFK; the deception of Vatican II; 9-11; CV-19; and more coming until enough martyrs regain the grace of God to destroy this demonic technocracy beast system rising and the coming antichrist, and thus God will reign through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Social Kingship of Christ shall begin the "Instaurare Omnia in Christo!"

    Ave Maria

    1. Thank you for spending the time to stay informed and wake others Patrick. I'd like to add to your list the attack on the USS Liberty where Israel got caught red handed trying to sink an American ship


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