Slap them hard! St. Nicholas slapped Arius and Our Lord and Lady sided with him; if only he were at Vatican II and at the Carmel of Coimbra!


From the text of Andrew Tregubov, The Light of Christ: Iconography of Gregory Kroug (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990), p. 36.

"A story from his life illustrates this point. When St. Nicholas was present at the Council of Nicea in 325, which condemned the heresy of Arius, he, IN HIS ZEAL, perceiving the danger of the heresy to the Church, struck Arius NOT ONLY WITH HIS WORDS BUT WITH HIS HAND. Embarrassed by his action, the members of the Council stripped him [St. Nicholas] of the rank of bishop, until some of them saw a vision of Christ giving back to St. Nicholas the book of the Gospels, and Mother of God restoring to him his omophorion . We see his powerful hand in this icon, protecting the word of Christ's truth."

If only the powerful and jarring hand of St. Nicholas was present at Vatican II when these shut off the microphone of Cardinal Ottaviani, humiliating one of the most venerable prelates in the Curia, who was trying to stand up for the Catholic Faith in 1962. If only we had his powerful an orthodox hand at the Carmel of Coimbra when they "disappeared" Sister Lucy --- and we KNOW that they did. Let's face it. If more or even any stood up in these and other relevant places and said, "No, this will not happen. Never. We will stop you." There would have been no Modernist Revolution nor would there have been the taking out of the Seer of Fatima.

When we think of all the self-seeking "champions of traditional Catholicism" who have failed to respond to the call of justice for the Seer of Fatima when there is no doubt that she was eliminated from the scene, in one way or another, and another was substituted for her,  we are sickened and revolted. One feels like Edmund Burke, when, confronted by the arrest and trial of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and daughter of Empress Maria Teresa of Austria, he wrote, "Where is the ancient chivalry of France?" Indeed, where was it. There should have been many more "revolts" than just those that broke out in the Vendee, just like there should have been many more acts of absolute refusal in the face of the Modernist hijacking of the institutional organization of the Catholic Church. But there wasn't.

Lesson of the day, say "Ho Ho Ho"....and SLAP hard! While you have breath in your body.


  1. Yes, Good'O Saint KO Krinkle! He would have walked up to Cardinal Bea with Fr. Ratzinger next to him and slugged both, starting a domino fall of all of them. As we know, God shows His anger at humanity when He sends emfeminant shepherds. The KO prelates shall return.

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

  2. I wonder why Cardinal Ottaviani, "one of the most venerable prelates in the Curia, who was trying to stand up for the Catholic Faith in 1962," did not resist the heterodox teachings of Vatican II, and that after his "Ottaviani Intervention" strongly criticizing the Novus Ordo, he appeared to resist no more. Maybe he, like Cardinal Siri, was threatened into acquiescence. There appears to have been a nuclear threat against the Vatican, for one thing.


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