Breaking News: John Salza leaves SSPX and returns to Novus Ordo church after "studying Sedevacantism." Who will publish Next 3 Vol. set???


Breaking News: John Salza has left the SSPX and has returned to the Novus Ordo church. Our source, who has worked with him on True and False Pope, says that he came to this decision "after studying sedevacantism." 


  1. Good and bad news... He is no longer a traditionalist, so will no longer be an obstacle to us...but sad news for the salvation of his soul none the less.... He is not a Catholic but a member of the masonic sect.

    1. I am a Tradionalist!. I am not part of the SSPX but part of the FSSP. You say it as though it is a terrible crime to love the Old Rite Mass.

    2. Winno. Novus Ordo isn't the old rite. The OP is talking g about John Salza.

    3. It's almost like you've not heard of fssp.

  2. The Sacrifice of the Mass is the ultimate love for GOD not the Papacy------Jesus left everything entact for more than fifteen hundred years----has GOD Changed - not according to Revelations ( I Am The Alpha and Omega) I hope John can see that this Papacy is what has been foretold. God Bless Mr. John Salza hope he returns back to SSPX where Gods precious Son lives. SSPX is not sedevacants.

    1. St. Alphonsus Liguori, reacting to the Jesuit suppression "The will of the Pope is the will of God."
      Unam Sanctam
      While Salza has returned to the vomit (hope and pray he sees the truth that an apostate cannot be pope as per Divine Law, laid down by the same God Who gave us the Mass and the Papacy for our good) , it is a step away from the illogical schizophrenia of the SSPX who relies on a fallible dead archbishop as their rule of faith and use the '62'Mass' of Mason Roncalli, which is not a mass at all, and the fasting rules of the Jew Montini and run their own 'Catholic' divorces, 'annulments' on the side just like the Modernists.

  3. I tried to go to his blog but it is "by invitation only"...

    Education himself on sedevacantism drove him into the arms of what will soon become the One World Religion?

    Perhaps there will be more employment opportunities on that side of the fence.

    You can take a man out of masonry but you can't take the mason out of the man.

  4. ... we were not quite sure that he had left the Masonary Brotherhood completely too.

  5. I hear that someone saw him at the TLM this past Sunday. Robert Siscoe worked with John Salza on the book. Is he your source? Since you made the allegation public, I think we are entitled to ask questions.

  6. John Salza is misleading many Catholics to embrace error and apostasy.

  7. What I take from Mr. Salsa’s decision, is that he thinks, that the SSPX R&R position is untenable, for a Catholic, as it rubbishes Catholic doctrine on the papacy, and that one simply, has to decide, whether or not Vatican II alters the substance of The Faith or not. But I also think he probably saw that life is tough for sedevacantists. We need The Church, and sheep find it hard, without a shepherd. Most people go with the flow, and choose a bigger group with substantial benefits over a much smaller one, which doesn’t even have buildings in most countries. Sedevacantists were doing internet masses, even before COVID. Sedevacantism is a brave and tough choice, because it’s either stupid and foolish or it’s the truth. It can’t be fudged or synthesised, which is actually, one of the reasons, I think it’s true, because it’s the kind of choice God gives us (Mathew 5:37), an absolute either/or, that forces us to say, yes or no, unlike the other positions, which basically, encourage lots of talking, that never goes anywhere, makes everything unclear, and creates the absurd spectacle of people, from bloggers to bishops, telling the person, they acknowledge as the ‘final theological authority’, that he is wrong or defending the indefensible, the idea, that a man, who could not more clearly, condemn, what Saint Pope Pius X and every Pope in history, before Vatican II believed, when he is supposed to be defending it.

  8. What I take from Mr. Salsa’s decision, is that he thinks, that the SSPX R&R position is untenable, for a Catholic, as it rubbishes Catholic doctrine on the papacy, and that one simply, has to decide, whether or not Vatican II alters the substance of The Faith or not. But I also think he probably saw that life is tough for sedevacantists. We need The Church, and sheep find it hard, without a shepherd. Most people go with the flow, and choose a bigger group with substantial benefits over a much smaller one, which doesn’t even have buildings in most countries. Sedevacantists were doing internet masses, even before COVID. Sedevacantism is a brave and tough choice, because it’s either stupid and foolish or it’s the truth. It can’t be fudged or synthesised, which is actually, one of the reasons, I think it’s true, because it’s the kind of choice God gives us (Mathew 5:37), an absolute either/or, that forces us to say, yes or no, unlike the other positions, which basically, encourage lots of talking, that never goes anywhere, makes everything unclear, and creates the absurd spectacle of people, from bloggers to bishops, telling the person, they acknowledge as the ‘final theological authority’, that he is wrong or defending the indefensible, the idea, that a man, who could not more clearly, condemn, what Saint Pope Pius X and every Pope in history, before Vatican II believed, when he is supposed to be defending it.

  9. Could it be that Salza merely hid his apron in the closet and ingratiated himself into tradition, and in particular The Fatima Center? Didn’t Fr. Gruner say that Freemasonry had infiltrated TFC shortly before he died so suddenly?

    And could it also be that Salza, being a high level Mason, knew beforehand that Bergoglio would usurp the Chair of Peter and it was his assignment to convince trads that Jorge is the one and only Pope and to say otherwise makes you a schismatic?

    And hasn’t his behavior been quite bizarre over the last few years? And now he’s going back to the Novus Ordo as Bergoglio puts the finishing touches on the construction of the Anti-Church? And now will we watch him be a pied piper and lead as many souls out of tradition as he can while Bergoglio crushes the FSSP, ICK and all other indult Masses? And now that he’s effectively labeled all sedevacantists as non-Catholics, will he now accuse the SSPX of being in schism?

    Methinks so.

    1. To be traditionalist is to cling to the papacy as well as the Old Rites. Thus, fssp and others.

  10. And Bergoglio rejoices that Salza has followed the "logic" of his book to the bitter end!

  11. I had Salza’s number in 2016:


  12. The Latin Tridentine Mass is the true mass before Vatican II. The Novus Ordo is an abomination and you never know what they'll do next when you attend one. I had one deacon get up to the altar and say there was no problem with having women priests and a lot of people started clapping for him. I left soon after when I found out the LTM was an hour away from me. I also trust Fr. Kramer over John Salza. I think Bergoglio is an antipope. The enemies of Christ were upset when Pope BVXI allowed the LTM. They hate that mass.

    1. Do you know Ratzinger is a Protestant and doesn't have authority to allow or disallow anything?

    2. Do you know Ratzinger is a Protestant and doesn't have authority to allow or disallow anything?

    3. The problem that is important to understand is not as much Ratzinger, Bergogglio etc... the problem is VATICAN II. The crisis we are facing is the result of a false dogmatic council that was adopted by the majority of bishops.... liberalists for many... promulgating a false doctrine....

  13. Some questions concerning John Salza:

    Could it be that Salza merely hid his apron in the closet and ingratiated himself into tradition, and in particular The Fatima Center? Didn’t Fr. Gruner say that Freemasonry had infiltrated TFC shortly before he died so suddenly? And could it also be that Salza, being a high level Mason, knew beforehand that Bergoglio would usurp the Chair of Peter and it was his assignment to convince trads that Jorge is the one and only Pope and to say otherwise makes you a schismatic? Hasn’t his behavior been quite bizarre in the last few years? And now he’s going back to the Novus Ordo as Bergoglio puts the finishing touches on the construction of the Anti-Church? And now will we watch him be a pied piper and lead as many souls out of tradition as he can and accuse the SSPX of being in schism?

  14. Another country club Catholic who never had the faith but used the moniker Catholic to glorify himself. He might as well kiss Luther's hand and become a full fledged heretic.

  15. His decision reminds me of an alcoholic having worked very hard to correct himself from his bad drinking habit and now faces the reality that if he wants to remain sobre, he must never drink an ounce of alcohol anymore.... depressed he goes back into his drinking habit and becomes worse than he really is.... Salza was never able to humbly recognize that sedevecantism is the only solution when dealing with a false, heretical, blasphemer like Bergogglio.... but will not go as far as to recognize that he is not the pope... He decides to go back to the sect of Paul VI.... this is unbelievable....

  16. He's trying to tell SSPX now that they have to be united to "the pope" to be Catholic.
    Pagliarani's admission of irregular = outside the Church.
    He is preaching without a three volume set now.

  17. John Salza is a dangerous man. Do not trust him in any way.

  18. Can't handle the Novus Ordo. The TLM is best for our family. If Francis Shuts it down completely its on to the Byzantine Liturgy. Not doing the New World Order Mass aka Novus Ordo.


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