Vatican II and CIA Propaganda with David A. Wemhoff

Dr. Chojnowski: This is a fantastic talk, that can serve as the geo-political, social, and ecclesiastical background of the Sister Lucy Truth Investigation. The United States needed new Catholic doctrine and a new Catholic attitude to incorporate the Catholic Church into Imperial Americanism. It did that with Dignitatis Humanae in 1965. The only part that I cannot agree with, and in a way undercuts his entire argument, is when he takes the Chris Ferrara Memorial Off Ramp in saying that the "Church" did not "really" "change the doctrine" at Vatican II. Archbishop Lefebvre, Cardinal Ratzinger who said that it was a "counter-syllabus that embraced the values of the French Revolution, and any one who reads the text which says that the State is incompetent to make a decision as to the true religion and that every one has a natural human right to practice the religion of his choice in the public and private sphere. We need to get Mr. Wemhoff on board with our efforts at Sister Lucy Truth. Anyone know him?


  1. I know David Wemhoff as an occasional contributor to Culture Wars Magazine and a friend/associate/disciple of its editor, E Michael Jones, whose Fidelity Press published Wemhoff's book, John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition: How the CIA's Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church. He talks about it in this interview:

    I was hoping Jones, who has a big following, would get onboard with Sister Lucy Truth but in an email to me he (without going to to see for himself, I'm quite sure), put it in the same category as the so-called "impostor Paul VI", which I'm sure is a diversionary hoax to cause people to think that the impostor Sr Lucia is also a crazy and unfounded "conspiracy theory," the term itself absurdly meaning "false" in the colonized minds of most people, who have internalized the categories and commands of their oppressors. Hopefully Jones, Wemhoff, and other "semi-trads" will have the courage to accept and promote Sister Lucy Truth, without being afraid of the inevitable temporal repercussions that go with it, as in "How will this affect me, my family, my livelihood, etc."

  2. I know David Wemhoff as an occasional contributor to Culture Wars Magazine and to some extent at least a disciple of E Michael Jones, its editor. Wemhoff is the author of John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition: How the CIA's Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church, available at Jones's Fidelity Press and at the CW website. Last I heard, both Jones and Wemhoff are still believers in a conservative interpretation of the Vatican II documents and have no objections to the Novus Ordo Missae, which it can be argued is not even a valid Mass. I'm sure "Novus Ordo Saeculorum" was in the minds of the Freemason Annibale Bugnini, the homosexual Paul VI (look it up... lots of reliable evidence), and Co. when it was fabricated.


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