"US-Friendly" Contact Within the Vatican Indicated Right After the Death of Pope Pius XII that US Governmental Authorities Must Use the American Cardinals to Prevent the Election of Cardinals Siri, Ottaviani, or Ruffini. The US Government Clearly Saw the Election of a Real Catholic to the Papal Throne in 1958 to be a Threat. Is there No Logical Connection between THIS Telegram and the Strange events of October 26,27, and 28th 1958 within the Sistine Chapel?
Here are the list of the 53 Cardinals who met in Rome for the Conclave in Rome in October 1958. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_electors_for_the_1958_papal_conclave Dr. Chojnowski: This telegraph from Ambassador Zellerbach (US ambassador to Italy) and the Secretary of State of the United States under the Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles is a clear path mark indicating to us what we should be looking for as regards the happenings in the 1958 papal conclave that met from October 25-28, exactly 2 weeks after this telegram to the US Secretary of State was written and sent. What do we read in this telegram and why does it matter in our investigation into the fate of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima? We do not, as of yet, have a smoking gun telegram, but this one is clearly a picture of a double-barrel shot gun loaded, locked, safety off, aimed, and finger on the trigger communication. The US government seems an imminent "threat" and it is ready to act --- n
This is the same guy who supposedly saw FBI documents revealing that Giuseppe Siri was elected pope 2 days before Roncalli. "According to former FBI consultant, Paul L. Williams, 'declassified' U.S. intelligence documents allegedly confirm that Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope in 1958, but afterwards was overthrown by a threat that was brought to bear against him before his election to the papacy could be revealed to the world. While affirming Siri’s election, Paul Williams was either unaware of the actual nature of the threat used to force the new Pope off the papal throne or purposely omitted any mention of it in his book: «In 1958, when the cardinals were locked away in the Sistine Chapel to elect a new pope, mysterious events began to unfold. On the third ballot, Siri, according to FBI sources, obtained the necessary votes and was elected as Pope Gregory XVII." (Department of State secret dispatch, “John XXIII,” issue date: November 20, 1958, declassified: November 11, 1974) See padrepioandchiesaviva.com/Grave_Reasons_of_State.html
ReplyDeleteThe United States Federal Bureau of Investigation allegedly claimed that Siri had indeed been elected on the third ballot on October 26, 1958, according to the book The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia by Paul L. Williams on pages 90–92, which cites an FBI document as reference; this document, allegedly declassified, can no longer be found; Williams adamantly refused to comment on why he included the alleged document and reference number in his book, or why the document could no longer be viewed.