"I have come to cast fire upon the earth.........Inferno spirituality vs. Campfire spirituality. Which did He intend? A Meditation.

                                                       Church Militant as Campfire Sing-Along
                                                       Church as  Inferno and Threatening Flame

"I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and what will I but that it be enkindled? But that I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how distressed I am until it be accomplished. Do you think that I have come to give peace upon the earth? No, I tell you, but division." Luke 12:49-51. 

What did Our Lord mean when he said this? What do His words denote and connote? I was meditating, or trying to, on the manifestation of the Holy Ghost as Fire. If Christ said that He came to introduce fire to the world and that even He could not wait until it can be seen from outer space, because it is so encompassing, how is the life of the Church manifesting this? Did Our Lord envision His fire, that He, a divine person, wanted released upon the earth --- wanted with impatient expectation, as a sing-along campfire where His faithful could enjoy good times with family and friends in a nice night of song and camaraderie ---- that lasts a life time --- at least after one's conversion, of course. Fire under control as a NICE campfire. Make sure that thing does not get out. Someone might complain to the police! And sue you! Then the fire would be irritating and disruptive. The fire is meant for our own warmth on the cold night of life. It is meant to draw a small group of people together around it, for good times and community time --- then of course we have to go to work and start the hard and serious things of life, like our JOBS. But, of course, we look forward to those moments as we go about the daily business of real life. NEXT TIME WE'LL MAKE S'MORES! I hope, Our Lord will bring the charcoal and the lighter again. In the Bible, it says that even He is impatient that the campfire be enkindled again.

Or does He mean something else? Does He mean that He will light the fire, with a blowtorch, and it will consume forest after forest, upsetting many people, driving them out of their houses, threatening to upset their daily lives, consuming what it desires to consume --- even destroying what is dry or rotten -- lighting up the planet, unbearably hot and, even frightening. A fire which makes the government worried causing it to make plans, because now they have to stand up and notice. Could this be the fire that Our Lord desired to unleash upon the world? 


  1. [continued...]
    Nantes is famous for the sanctity of the martyrs Donatian and Rogatian. Known as the Nantean Children, they have their basilica here (which was hit by a large fire on June 15, 2015). Their personal history, like that of Peter and Paul, is a kind of prefiguration of the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Paraclete. From the words of the Gospel [John 14:16]: "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you forever ..." [Latin Vulgate DRB: "...et ego rogabo Patrem, et alium Paraclitum dabit vobis, ut maneat vobiscum in aeternum..."], it can be deduced that the requester is Rogatian, and the given (requested) is the Donatian. Besides, the Apostle of the Nations himself, before he was baptized, Paul (= Small) was known as Saul (= Asked for, Prayed for). If Rogatian represents Lord Jesus and Peter, then Donatian is the antitype of the Paraclete, Paul, and the great end-time monarch.
    The fire entered the cathedral of Nantes, consumed the organ (He likes Roman music) and the stained glass window donated by Anne the Duchess of Brittany. This is the Year of Saint Anne, because July 26 falls on Sunday, the main patroness of Brittany since her apparitions in Santez Anna Wened in 1623-1625. Saint Anne appeared there to Ivo Nikolazic with a burning candle (torch) in her hand, heralding the arrival of the promised Fire-Paraclete. A century earlier, in 1510 (probably on May 26), Saint Anne appeared to Małgorzata Błażkowa in Prostynia on the Bug river, Poland. Did the Holy Matron also appear there in connection with the promised Fire? It can be assumed that it is, because the Mother of God's Mother appeared there on the feast of the Holy Trinity, i.e. the octave of Pentecost.

  2. [3/3]
    My variations on the Fire at Nantes are perfectly grounded in the words of the Lord Jesus to Marie Julie Jahenny in June 1882:
    “I will make my choice; I will call the true Comforter for my people and for my Church. It is He who will rebuild My temples destroyed by fire and brutal civil war, which, however, will end soon. I cannot name this war that will break out in France other than a civil war. "
    The spiritual guardian (until 1877) of this Breton stigmatic was Félix Fournier, the then bishop of Nantes, the same who in 1873 initiated the construction of the magnificent basilica of the Nantean Children, Donatian and Rogatian.
    Santa Maria Greca appeared in Corato - many facts indicate this date - July 15, 1656, feast of the Dispersion of the Apostles. The first Twelve were sent personally by the Lord Jesus. Whom will the Paraclete send, no longer as a Child under the protection of the Holy Regentrix, but still in the closest relationship with the Virgin Mother of the Church? Whom will He send? He will send the end-time apostles!
    July 23, 2020, octave of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Madonna di Altino, Albino, Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy; commemoration of Saint Bridget and Ezekiel the Prophet

    Today, i.e. on July 26, French media revealed the name of the arsonist: 'Emmanuel', Rwandan, longtime altar boy (rather Catholic), cathedral cleaner and sacristan, volunteer. Thus we got an unexpected confirmation of the line of my interpretation of the fire in Nantes - I suppose Saint Anne the Mother intervened in this matter, this is her Sunday and her Year. All this dramatic event in Nantes, on July 18, 2020, can be summed up as the Emmanuel's Fire!
    An associated Polish thread appears here:
    Two weeks earlier, on July 4, 2020, at dawn, the roof of Saint Paul's** Church in Corbeil-Essonnes, belonging to the French-Polish parish, completely burned down. Firefighters participating in the action described this fire as "the small Notre-Dame" compared to the conflagration of the Paris Cathedral on April 15/16, 2019. 'The Small' means 'Paul' in close relation to 'Notre-Dame' in the Polish-French backyard! Interesting, isn't it?

    ** https: //pl-pl.facebook.com/stpaulcorbeil/ The main image of the Apostle of the Nations in this temple gives the impression of a two-headed figure, just like the Roman Janus. Saint Paul survived the fire near Paris along with the One of whom he is antitype - the Paraclete.
    For the record: The Nantean Cathedral was built on the site of the ancient temple of Janus.

  3. The Church Fathers and Doctors are a good source for what Christ meant by casting fire upon the earth. I think they say it means a spiritually purifying agent, also giving light and warmth, and filling the heart with the "fire of love."


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