Want to Know What the "Third Secret" Released by the Vatican in 2000 Really Says? Sister Lucy Truth Has Hired Two Expert Portuguese Translators to Give Us the Exact Meaning of the Portuguese Text.

Here are two translations by two different expert Portuguese Translators

[PAGE 1]

The third part of the secret revealed on the 13
th of July of 1917 in Cova da Iria, Fátima.

I write as an act of obedience to you my God, who demands* it from me through** his Revered Holiness, Sir Bishop of Leiria** and through your and my own most Holy Mother.

After the 2 parts Ive already shared, we saw to the right of Our Lady *Mo mandais: contextually assumed to mean demands” but can also means give

**Por meio de: literally means through the vessel of” but the connotation is much more casual in Portuguese and therefore more akin to through” *** Ex.cia Rev.ma Senhor Bispo: is the standard formal form of addressing any bishop
[PAGE 2]

A little further above, an angel with a fiery sword upon his left hand; as he sparkles, he departs with flames that seemed to set the world aflame; but that disappeared in contact with the right hand that hurried* Our Lady to it: The angel pointing to the earth, with a strong voice said: Penitence, penitence, penitence! And we saw in the immense light that is God: something similar to how people see themselves in a mirror.

*Expedia: Can mean to hurry/do quickly, but also has a specific religious connotation.

[PAGE 3]

When we went past him, a Bishop dressed in White, we had a feeling* it was the holy Father**, many other Bishops, priests***, religious men and women climbed a lapidarian mountain, on top of which a large Cross made of rough**** tree trunks as if it were the bark of cork oaks; the Holy Priest, before arriving there, went through a large city in ruins, half trembling with a hesitant gait, scowling with pain and pity, praying for the souls of (each)

*Pressentimento: feeling or premonition/foresight

**Holy Father as in Holy Priest, not as in God himself ***Sacerdotes: All encompassing term for all churchmen

*****Toscos: Literally means that they were grotesque/rough but in the same way they would naturally be, not through damage

[PAGE 4]

Seeing corpses along the way; reaching the top of the hill, *he was killed on his knees by the big Cross by a group of soldiers who shot many bullets and darts at him, and like that died the Bishops and Churchmen, one after the other**, alongside religious men and women and many secular people, sirs and madams of many social classes and standings. Atop the 2 arms of the cross were 2 Angels, each with their crystal watering can in hand, in them they collected the blood of the Martys, and with it they watered the souls that got near God.

*Would literally be Prostrate on his knees” but its a much more casual term in Portuguese **Order of the sentence is changed to make more sense

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The third part of the secret revealed on July 13, 1917 at the Cova da Iria-Fátima.

He wrote in obedience to you My God, who commands through His Excellency or Lord Bishop of Leiria and Yours and my Most Holy Mother.

After the two parts I have already exposed, we see on the left side of Our Lady

[PAGE 2]

a little higher an Angel with a sword of fire in his left hand; when flickering, it fired flames that seemed to blaze the world; but they faded at the touch of the glow that Our Lady sent to her right hand: The Angel pointing with his right hand to the earth in a strong voice said: Penitence, Penitence, Penitence! And we saw in a shining (bright) light that is God: “something similar to how people see themselves in a mirror 

[PAGE 3]

when they pass him by" a bishop dressed in white "we had a feeling (impression) he was the Holy Father." Several other bishops, priests, men and women religious climb a rugged mountain, on top of which was a large cross of rough logs as if it were cork oak with bark; the Holy Father, before arriving there, passed through a great city, half in ruins, and half-trembling with a wavering walk, full of pain and sorrow, praying for the souls of [each]

[PAGE 4]

[see] corpses that I found along the way; Reaching the top of the hill, prostrate (decumbent) on his knees at the foot of the Great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired several shots and arrows at him, and even then the bishops, priests, men and women, and several secular (laic) people, gentlemen, died. and ladies of various classes and positions. Under the two arms of the Cross were two Angels each with a crystal watering can in their hand, collecting the blood of the Martyrs and with them watering the souls that approached God.




  1. It makes no sense. It just proves something is missing.

  2. Very unlikely this is the true text. The unwillingness of Roncalli to follow Heaven's degree and make public the third secret in 1960 is very telling. It was his belief that the text didn't pertain to his pontificate. In hindsight we can assume that the text partially was about the heresy he was going to infect the world with.

    1. Roncalli was ignominiously put in the Chair by the Judeo-Masonic powers and certainly was doing their bidding in burying the 3rd Secret, as well as giving Montini the red hat at his first consistory so Montini as destroyer could succeed him. Learn more about Roncalli here: traditionalcatholic.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/John-XXIII-Beatified.pdf

  3. Is there a missing page?

    I downloaded your document comparing all three translations (the Vatican's and the two SLT translations) and studied it. I have always thought that there was something missing in the so-called Third Secret vision and these translations confirm my suspicion. There is a clear lack of continuity between the end of page 2 and the start of page 3, where the "Bishop in white" is described. If you read the text between the end of page 1 and beginning of page 2, and again between the end of page 3 and beginning of page 4, there is obvious continuity. But pages 2 and 3 have no similar continuity. Is there a missing page here?


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