'Vaccines won't work': US virologist breaks down COVID-19. To Date Best Thing That I Have Heard About the Effects and Treatment of Covid-19. The Virologist is not saying that a Vaccine Will Not Work, but that it is Not a Panacea; Still No Vaccine for SARS-I, Never Mind Sars-2.

This American virologist does not deal with the question of whether this is a man-made virus or if it has its origin in nature. Recorded at the beginning of the pandemic.


  1. Agree. Wonder how long before YouTube deep-sixes this video.

    1. Most people choose evil. Men love darkness rather than light. Period.

  2. This is the continuing age old battle between God and Satan. People are caught in the middle. Most people have lost real belief in God and have no clue.

    1. That is why the world is so evil and messed up.

    2. Men love darkness and lies, rather than light of God and His Truth.

    3. All who are on the side of the Lord, let him speak up now !

    4. It is written, that whoever saves his life, will lose it. Who will suffer for Jesus ?

  3. Who will fight for the cause of Christ?

  4. Why will not people wake up to this fraud and government psyop worldwide?

  5. This video, even if it was early in the game, presents wrong and bad information.

  6. There is much controlled opposition on many websites and videos. It's all to keep people divided and confused, so they will not take the proper action needed to stop those responsible.

  7. There are too many idiots (stupid) people who believe what other people an tv tells them !


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