Cleaned Up Stills From 1946 Footage of Sister Lucy the Real at Fatima. Links to The Sister Lucy Truth Investigation Included. Help Us Rectify the Injustice and Reveal the Crime to the World.

For the video footage from the 1946 footage of the Real Sister Lucy's visit to Fatima, see


  1. Stop all these pandemic scare tactics, first. People love and choose evil. They have turned away from God and truth.

    1. For most, it is only lip service and a show. " The fort is betrayed, even by those who should have defended it".

  2. Because no one knows for sure, what really happened to the real Sr. Lucia, many rumors abound in the Traditional Catholic circles. Live the message of Fatima that is known. This is most important and what the real Sr. Lucia would have wanted. Doing this, is what will lead to the eventual Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And the earth would be granted peace and the restoration of the Church. If not, many of the good will be martyred and some will suffer long drawn out persecution.


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