Dignitatis Humanae! Hear Again the Now Scientifically Identified Imposter Sister Lucy Insist that the Request for the "Conversion" of Russia Really Meant Conversion to Liberalism. So Much For the Faith, Sister! And, of course, the Vision of Hell Means that there is NO ONE in Hell, right?


  1. I heard for the first time in Dr Chojnowski's "Sister Lucia Truth" Conference on youtube that Msgr. Montini, the future Paul VI was instrumental in having Sr Lucia leave the Dorothean convent and become a Carmelite, which, knowing the dark side of Montini, makes one wonder if the idea wasn't Sr Lucia's but rather that the judeo-masonic powers had more cooperation with the Carmelites in their evil plan to later remove her from all communication with the world and replace her with the series of impostors.


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