We won't be satisfied with "pope-spray," as we wait for a "future pope or council." Either the pope is the standard of the faith or he is nothing.


Here, however, we encounter the question whether the Holy Ghost has allowed the Church to be afflicted for a time by a de facto antipope whose election cannot be contested and whose papacy must be presumed valid until such time as a successor Pope or Council declares otherwise.  On that vexed issue, in my view, we can have nothing definitive to say, meaning nothing by which the Church as a whole could gain operative certitude and proceed accordingly. What is certain, however, is that this Pope must be opposed in his efforts to undermine the Faith.
Dr. Chojnowski: The above quotation comes from Chris Ferrara's latest article on the Remnant website, "Inspiration or Calculation." Because I cannot stand to read the sophistic sameness of his articles, which are always directed to leading the faithful no where, I will only refer to the above paragraph, sent to me by a friend. 
The idea that Chris Ferrara thinks that he has "nothing definitive to say," is just laughable. Since when has he had nothing to say? He is always ready to tell us where the "hierarchy of the Catholic Church" is wrong and how and why we are to oppose them. I cannot help but believe that this is Chris' latest position of deceit. Not only are we daily barraged with that which gives us "operative certitude" about the apostasy we find everywhere, but we have shown in the last couple of blog posts that the Church actually encourages us to use our reason, not by making up our own dogmas or rules, not by pretending to assume a universal jurisdiction which God has clearly not given us, but by APPLYING THE TEACHINGS AND THE RULES THAT THE CHURCH HAS DEFINITIVELY AND PERENNIALLY GIVEN US, in order to decide where we stand, what ought we believe, who ought we be in communion with, and what and whom we ought to obey. You, Chris, decide every issue of the Remnant these questions for "The Remnant." It is YOU who decide what the status of Francis is and malign or dismiss all those who disagree with you about this issue. You act like this conclusion that you have given us, was somehow a defined doctrine or part of canon law --- it is not. It never was and it will never be. Identify one canon or encyclical in which we are told, we are facing a situation in which, "a de facto antipope whose election cannot be contested and whose papacy must be presumed valid until such time as a successor Pope or Council declares otherwise." So if we should follow the NORMAL attitude of a Roman Catholic, that we are to obey the pope in all matters of faith, morals, liturgy, devotion, Church law, etc., instead of the new view which would have us waiting for the next issue of the Remnant or Catholic Family News in order to know what we are to believe and do as Catholics in the moment, we would cease to read the Remnant or Catholic Family News. If a pope teaches that it is immoral not to recycle, then it is immoral not to recycle! How would we know that this future Catholic pope's judgment on his predecessor, would be any more infallible than were his predecessors decisions on matters of faith and morals, in Vatican II, etc. There is no infallibility when judging the legitimacy of a predecessors claim to the papacy, and yet, there is infallibility in the pope's exercise of his ordinary and extraordinary magisterium. So in order to check infallible acts  --- like canonizations  -- we must wait for non-infallible acts? Why in the world would we Catholics even have a living Magisterium or a highly exact and clearly articulated doctrine, entrusted not only to the hierarchy but to all of the faithful at baptism, if we could not apply that doctrine to the situations that we find ourselves in now? Isn't salvation, for a Catholic, dependent upon submission to the Roman Pontiff? 


  1. How can an organization that has been massively infiltrated by Judeo Masonic communists as the Church of Rome has been, incur any allegiance whatsoever? I refer to Bella Dodd's revelations. A former communist that revealed the extent of communist infiltration of the catholic church in the 1930s. Her claims include 1100 communists entered into the priesthood in that decade alone. Henry Makow at his Save the Males website reviews the whole sordid story today. Therein lies the answer to the sorry story of the modernist popes and the fake Lucy. All the doctrinal issues revolve around a straw man. We are dealing with communist tactics not theology. The Remnant and virtually the entire "catholic" opus dei press keeps the game going by pretending that this is all about serious theological issues. Nonsense. It is about a completely subverted operation posing as the christian church. But keep everyone on the plantation and punching the tar baby....there is a lot of money to be made in this game.

    1. Yes, the communists (Russia/Soviet Union) pumped into the Catholic Church all gays, lesbians, pedophiles and Jewish Cabals through all the cracks that they could find. Since 1917 to now, their root has spread to all levels, all positions and climbed up to the very top. Those guys are not Catholics to begin with. They come in as Trojan Horses with one purport: to destroy the Catholic Faith which will destroy the Kingdom of God on this planet. All plans has been planned and orchestrated by the Synagogue of Satan. By 1960 and especially in 1962, the Moscow-Vatican Agreement signed by commies and Vatican truly crucified Christ again. The church was paralyzed to this very day, the Anti-Pope and Anti-Christ had deceived the sheep that he is the pope but rest for sure he is the poop of the Freemasonry (Zionists/Globalists/Communists-Russian-Jews and Communists-Israel-Jews)

    2. First off we don't live on a planet.
      Secondly, the Vatican has been infiltrated for a long time, but they cannot erase the four marks of the true church founded on the Apostolic Traditions.
      The Rosary is what will save the church. Pray it often.
      Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us. You are our only hope.

  2. Chris Ferrara presents himself as the standard of authentic Catholicism. Yet he would've been considered a raving heretic just 60 years ago. The idea that Catholics ought to be satisfied with self-appointed leaders like Ferrara, acting as the magisterium, is the very thing that's prolonged the crisis in the Church and led to this great apostasy.

    1. Outstanding rebuttal to Chris Ferrara, What he says makes no sense and is nothing more tan a cop-out. I think we must assume that Francis is anti-pope because he does not speak the truth of the Catholic Church and is leading us away with false doctrine and absurd new categories of sins. On the face of his performance Francis should be rejected out of hand along with anything he has to say. He is a servant of the devil. All of this should be perfectly clear to Chris and hopefully to all orthodox Catholics.

      The reason Chris and others don't proclaim this is a bit of a mystery to me. Surely it has something to do with protecting what they see as their Catholic credibility, status and livelihood.

      Let us meditate on the words of pope Felix III.

      “Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.” — Pope St. Felix III

  3. They will let you keep the externals, so long as you give up Catholic dogma. Beautiful whitened sepulchres on the outside but inwardly full of dead man's bones. They will be responsible for the loss of so many souls, for "without faith, it is impossible to please God". I wonder if they ever consider where their own soul sits and contemplate their damnation. I am talking about all of these false lay "traditionalists" like Chris F who are so busy destroying the Catholic faith by merely giving sympathy and then bad advice to Catholics by creating a split with the Holy See and her teachings. We obey the Holy See. We are Catholics. We do not resist it. We do not disobey it. We do not make up endless excuses and out-of-context quotes as to why we can disobey it. Just do what God's Will. Make no mistake those who place an obstacle between the teachings of the Holy See and Catholics do not enter the Kingdom of God.

    1. Amen! Ferrara and the other false traditionalists owe an infinite debt of reparation to God for all the damage they've done (and are still doing) to souls. Lord, have mercy!

  4. RadTrad Thomist,

    I agree 100% with your argument. Has Chris lost his mind? He certainly had jettisoned the entire history of the Church which fought against every Antipope and deposed false claimants (Synod of Sutri, 1046) and has always and ever taught, even in the current code of canon law, canon 1364, that heretics lose their office ipso facto without need to the recourse of any judgement. Chris has adopted the clericalist position of non think promoted by clergy who want to keep naming Bergoglio in the canon of the mass, come Hell or high water, and in this case, they will get both!

    1. "Has Chris lost his mind?" Good question. But if he's clearly conscious of the fact that he's telling grievous lies regarding the Faith, and if he freely consents to telling such lies, then he hasn't lost his mind. He would have lost the Faith (assuming he had any to begin with).

  5. Our Lord commanded Peter three times to feed His sheep. But Chris Ferrara has it all backwards. He'd rather have the sheep feed a false Peter-- prop him up and keep him in office, no matter the cost, until a future authority declares what everyone already knows with absolute certitude.

    By what standard would the resisters accept the judgment of a future pope anyway? By what standard, Mr. Ferrara? Either name it, or please keep quiet about it. You shouldn't dare to hold yourself out as a model of an obedient son of the Church. The hypocrisy is unbearable.

  6. By what degree of justice are Catholics required to remain attached to an anti Catholic "pope" who blatantly undermines the Faith?

    We've seen how Chris Ferrara and his fellow partisans of the Novus Ordo Church unite in an effort to bury the truth and promote a soul-destroyer as the true Vicar of Christ. Ferrara's purpose is to serve the lie--the lie that a true pope can be the primary vehicle of the destruction of souls.

    Sainted popes would choke and gag at the noxious garbage Ferrara and the united clans are banging the drum for.

  7. Every now and then, the false champions of tradition are forced to admit that Francis is not Catholic. Do they think they're fulfilling their mission as soldiers of Christ by cowing others into accepting him as pope?

    Or are they willing agents of the devil, introducing diabolical novelties, such as the idea that a true pope doesn't need to be Catholic? Nothing could be more unholy than this inversion of the truth. God will demand justice for every soul that's harmed by it.

  8. It can't be repeated enough that the Conciliarist Theory that Ferrara advocates was adopted by Gallicanism and condemned at Vatican Council I.

    Also: "A pope would automatically fall from his power (through manifest and notorious heresy) and this indeed WITHOUT THE ISSUANCE OF ANY SENTENCE, FOR THE FIRST SEE (i.e. the See of Peter) IS JUDGED BY NO ONE." (R.P. Udairicus Beste, O.S.B, I.C.D., Introductio in Codicem. 3rd ed. Collegeville: St. John's Abbey Press 1946. Canon 221.)

    Yet the partisans of open rebellion have the hypocrisy to proclaim they're awaiting the judgment of a future authority. By what criterion would they accept (or reject) such a judgment? Would it be by "Tradition", as in Gallican Tradition?


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