Now that Our Experts and Investigators are Confirming that the Pictorial Evidence CONFIRMS that There Was An Imposture, They Advise that a DNA Test is the Next Step. For that, I Need Your Financial Help. Donate Something Today!


  1. May Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima provide all the funds necessary for this venture.

  2. Just to be sure, that's Jacinta on the bottom just left of center - right??

    1. Yes, that is definitely Jacinta.

  3. Get an honest Portuguese Detective to work on this. The have the resources to tackle this 'cold case'. Your evidence points to a crime being committed. In the country where the 'faith will be preserved' there must be a few in law enforcement who grasp the gravity and implications of the phony Lucy.

    1. I wonder if the words of Our Lady that the dogmas of the faith in Portugal will always be preserved are a deliberate distortion by the Judeo-Masonic powers who control the Vatican, since Portugal does not appear to be any different from the rest of the apostate Vatican II, Novus Ordo church. Even the Fatima shrine is now a multi-religion place of idolatrous worship.

    2. @darrell That is a good theory. In my book from WIlliam Thomas Walsh on Our Lady of Fatima however, he mentions that same quote as well, which admittedly had me not a bit perplexed. After looking up some cursory data on religiosity in Portugal, and comparing it with Spain and France however, even though it's through and through Novus Ordo, the percentage of at least nominal Catholics is in the 80s, versus the 40s and 30s for the other two countries if I remember correctly.

      Because of that, I suppose it could go either way.


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