New Objections and Replies Page For Sister Lucy Truth. Read, also, Our Analysis of the the Bizarre 1993 Interview with Sister Lucy II . See Her Contradict EVERYTHING SISTER LUCY HAD PREVIOUSLY SAID.

We have published an analysis of the bizarre 1992–1993 interviews in light of the undeniable scientific evidence of an impostor Sr. Lucy

Sister Lucy Truth (SLT) has prepared and published a new section on our website called "The Contradictions," dedicated to highlighting the contradictions of the post-1967 Sr. Lucy. The first page of analysis is on the bizarre 1992–1993 interviews translated and published by Carlos Evaristo.

The preparation and publication of this material is ongoing. We will email our subscribers when new pages go up and also publish posts on our Facebook page.

You may also anticipate a formal response to common objections against SLT, to be published soon.

Please pray for this project and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart!
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Responses to the main criticisms and objections against SLT and the now scientifically proven theory of an impostor.

See our new webpage:

When the hypothesis of two Sr. Lucys was proposed over a decade ago by different individuals, many criticisms naturally and immediately arose. But with Sister Lucy Truth and the irrefutable scientific evidence we have produced, this is a whole new ball game.

Most current objections rely on outdated or inaccurate assumptions about our scientific and expert evidence. Nevertheless, some objections die hard, and it's understandable that people will have reservations about how radical the existence of an impostor Sr. Lucy is. We have prepared responses to the main objections based on the best information we currently have. As time goes by, as new reports come in, as new discoveries are made, we will be able to refine our answers and understanding of the mysteries that remain to be solved in the life and identity of Sr. Lucia of Fatima.

Please spread these responses and this work. We invite feedback.

Above all, pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart!


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