Diabolical Gyrations: Is it the Great Apostasy Yet? This Would Make the Harlot of Babylon Blush With Shame.

Sacrilegiously Presented as "Our Lady of the Amazon"

Don't worry, they are not dancing infallibly! 

For an excellent account of this abomination in the Vatican Gardens where Pope St. Pius X once walked, see https://novusordowatch.org/2019/10/golden-calf-vatican-idolatry-francis/

Still not the Abomination of Desolation, right? 
Glad the "Sister Lucy" that the Fatima Crusader, Catholic Family News, and the Remnant STILL RECOGNIZE, said, in an interview in 1992, that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart has ALREADY HAPPENED.

Can I just mention some other things that the "Sister Lucy" still recognized by Fatima Center, Catholic Family News, and the Remnant said in her interview with Carlos Evaristo in 1992:

1) The Third Secret was NOT supposed to be revealed in 1960.
2) The Third Secret was meant only for the Pope and NOT for the Public.
3) Russia did NOT need to be mentioned by name in the Consecration.
4) Heaven had ACCEPTED John Paul II's 1984 consecration in which he did NOT mention Russia.
5) The Jews CONTINUE TO BE a "Chosen People of God."
6) The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart has ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. 

Face it Fatima Center, if Sister Lucy Truth did not prove that the "Sister Lucy" of 1992 was DEFINITELY a FRAUD, you would be OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING out of business. 

I will post more on the 1992 interview soon.


  1. Soon there will only be a small remnant of people left who are under the illusion she is the real Sr Lucy. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

  2. PS Maybe they could recognise and resist her!

  3. Apocalypse 8:13 "...And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth..."

  4. Birth of Antichrist
    The Basilica of Nursia lay in ruins on 30 * X 2016 on the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, as established by Pope Pius XI, the Polish bishop (as he personally described his ecclesiastical dignity). The only thing left of the temple was the facade, that the guts of the Church, the holy Catholic faith, had already been ripped out by the infernal enemy.
    Rome will lose faith ... - The Blessed Virgin prophesied this in La Salette in 1846, but then, at the time of Bl. Pius IX, church freemasonry feverishly worked to ridicule Her messages and make a madwoman with Melanie Calvat.They have done their job: the Saletynian Fathers claim to this day that this is a false prophecy, although the course of events in the Vatican shows their authenticity.
    ... and become the seat of the Antichrist. It happened: the false prophet Jorge the Apostate, participating, on October 4th, in a pagan ritual, tenderly embraced a figurine of a pregnant false Hebrew nun, who on the lawn in the Vatican Gardens gave birth to an incarnate Satan: this wooden boy without a pampers on a blanket. We will soon find out his identity: he is an elderly man, because his grandmother was born on September 29th,1896(!).
    It happened on feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, to whom the Lord Jesus entrusted with an unimaginably difficult task: "Rebuild my Church." And what was to be done, the Poverello (in this context the nickname as the most adequate)? At Christmas AD1223 he erected a rocky manger in Greccio (Lazio). For whom? After all, Jesus Christ the Savior was born 1223 years earlier. So who is this hard cradle for? For the another Comforter, the Paraclete, the Anointed of God who will fight and defeat Antichrist with the breath of his mouth. Where did he come from? Our Mother the Holy Church will give birth to him in the midst of persecution that has never happened before and will not be there later.
    October 7th, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

    * Vigil to Saint Quentin, Martyr - The Eldest Daughter of the Church, i.e. France, still matters and together with the 'Fifth' ('Quintus') will again light up the darkness of the world.


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