From the "I Don't Know You!" File: New Book Testifies to the New Montinian Church Take-Over of Fatima on May 13, 1967. Paul VI Clearly Wanted to Make Fatima All About Him. Just as John Paul II Wanted to Make the Third Secret All About Himself and the Attempt on His Life.
Move Over Sister Lucy, You are Blocking the Crowd's View of Me! |
Sister, You are blocking the Camera! |
First, with regard to Paul VI interest in the contents of the Third Secret, we read, "After his election, Paul VI was curious about the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima. Since he did not know what John XXIII had done with it, he had Msgr. Capovilla, John XXIII's personal secretary, questioned and the later indicated the location where the manuscript had been placed. Pope Paul VI assuredly read it at that time. But he did not speak about it." (Cited in Vatican II Exposed, p. 272; cf. Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity, The Third Secret of Fatima, pp. 16-17.)
"May 13, 1967 marked the 50th anniversary of Our Lady's appearance at Fatima, Portugal. During Paul VI's half-hearted visit, he did not visit the place of the apparitions, the Cova da Iria, indicating to the world that he did not believe in the Blessed Virgin's message and its vital importance for our times. However, he had time to exchange a few meaningless words to Presbyterians in a prearranged ecumenical meeting where he downplayed Marian devotion."(Vatican II Exposed, p. 272)
"He resented having to travel to Fatima because he disliked Antonio Salazar, the Catholic anti-Communist ruler of Portugal and allowed no photo ops. He mentioned nothing about the Third Secret of Fatima and the conversion of Russia because he considered Catholic devotion to Mary extreme, unecumenical, and in conflict with the new theology.
In his Fatima speech Paul VI said, 'We want to ask from Mary, a living Church, a united Church, a holy Church." (Ibid.)
"He celebrated a hasty Mass in Portuguese that was impossible to follow and could best be described as filled with stammering or stuttering. The words of his speech on this important anniversary were not focused on the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but primarily concerned with Humanism, arms reduction, hunger, and Vatican II. Paul VI stated, 'The Ecumenical Council has vitalized the heart of the Church, has opened up new vistas in the field of doctrine....We desire that these be preserved and extended....Faith...must be renewed through the stimulus of science and progress.' (Cited in Vatican II Exposed, p. 273. Cf. Paul VI: Peregrino Da Paz Em Fatima, p. 38)."
"Television reporters and journalists were shocked that during his visit to this important international Marian shrine Paul VI had not even recited a single Hail Mary and never mentioned the Rosary. Since Paul VI was a Communist and a Modernist, he had come to Fatima to take center stage and promote his own agenda, not to honor the Mother of God." (Ibid.)
Even though Paul VI refused to meet with "Sister Lucia" in private for any amount of time, and only spoke to her in public for 3 minutes, "However, a few days earlier, May 7th, 1967, Paul VI had no trouble arranging a meeting at the Vatican with Italian movie stars Gina Lollobrigida and Claudia Cardinale." (Ibid. --- red text my own!)
"'In speaking to his confidant, Jean Guitton, Paul VI expressed his contempt for Sister Lucia, the only living witness to Our Lady's apparitions. He dismissed her as a 'simple peasant' for whom he had no time, this attitude being in keeping with his generic aversion to visionaries.'" (Cited in Vatican II Exposed, p. 273. Cf. Antonio Socci, Il Quarto Segreto di Fatima, pp. 209-211.)
"After Paul VI's return from Rome, the Vatican Radio summarized his visit: 'Paul VI purified devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. He swept away the atmosphere of secrecy, of political and social exploitation, of false mystery, of whisperings and gossip. In his discourses the Pope made no mention of the mysterious Fatima that intellectuals had exploited to put forward their own ideas under the cover of Our Lady.'" (Vatican II Exposed, p. 273. Cf. Peter Hebblethwaite, The Runaway Church, pp. 90-91).
Interestingly enough, 12 days after his "meeting" with "Sister Lucy" in Fatima, Paul VI made Bishop Karol Wojtyla a Cardinal. John Paul II would be the one who would make the Third Secret about himself. It seems as if the fatest fingers in the hijacking of Fatima, can be pointed at John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II.
All the above quotations come from Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism (Wayne, MI: St. Joseph's Media, 2019).
All anyone needs to do, to realise, that the post-Vatican II religion, is not Catholicism, is to review the schemas, drawn up before the council, including the paper that condemns Communism, which John XXIII allowed the Rhine Group to circumvent and suppress, because those schemas maintain and protect the substance of The Faith, while Vatican II, insinuates novelties through ambiguities, to create a state of confusion and plausible deniability, as a transitional vehicle, for what is beginning to happen now, under Bergolio, which is the ejection of the remaining elements of Traditional Catholicism, and those who are faithful to Tradition, from the human organization, that has persuaded the world, and many, who believe they are Catholics, through machination, deception,, distortion, corruption, and the promotion of ignorance, is the Catholic Church, while it is in fact, as Bergolio's proposed Apostolic Constitution reveals, an NGO for global Socialism, which still sees some value in dressing up Marxism in Christian sounding language.
ReplyDeleteAnd the passage quoted above, where Paul VI dismisses Lucy of Fatima as a 'peasant', and his toxic reaction to 'visionaries', when contrasted, with Saint Thomas Aquinas, who went out of his way, to emphasize, that there was nothing he knew, that any faithful servant of Our Lord, did not know, and the fact, that he was a visionary, tells you everything you need to know, about the diabolical arrogance of Paul VI, and the Anti-Catholic spirit, that animated him, and the 'council', as well as how, utterly, absurd, unfounded, and ridiculous, that diabolical arrogance and anti-Catholic spirit is, because comparing the towering intellect and the beautiful and sublime spirituality, that Saint Thomas was blessed with, with the shallow sophistry, risible errors, and delusions, that animate the 'New Theology', is like comparing the 'New Mass' to the Mass.
I chose to join the Church of Saint Thomas Aquinas and all the Popes, Saints, Martyrs, and Doctors of The Church, before Vatican II. I did not sign up to give intellectual assent to a refuted and discredited philosophical and political position, parading around in the defiled riches and vestments of the temple, charlatans like Bergolio, have decimated, raped, and plundered, like a barbarian horde, sacking a beautiful city.
What do we know about the JPll assassination attempt, on May 13 1981. We are told that something miraculous saved the pope's life....the maternal hand of Mary. Really. This is what was glibly served up to the public by the Rothschild MSM and the Opus Dei catholic media. What a stupendous miracle. I'm not sure I can recall such a direct involvement of Mary to save a life in all of Church History....(though I am sure she can and probably has done so). It all seems just too dramatic...too staged....allowing JPll to claim a special relation to Fatima. It should be recalled that this pope had at one time been an actor. What boggles the mind is the number of people it would take to pull off such a deception. We are aware of governments pulling off staged deceptions and there is the usual answer....but someone would spill the beans...not necessarily so....not if people feared for their lives or their families lives. In the case of JPll there was a strange triple murder that took place in 1998 involving the close bodyguard of JPll at the time of the shooting. A murder that the family says was never adequately investigated. Appeals from the family to JPll went unanswered. Was someone afraid that this swiss guard had some extremely important inside information that he might reveal?