A Meditation on the Holy Shroud for Holy Saturday by a Reader.

The Holy Shroud of Turin 
Oh Holy Shroud, which wrapped our Divine Gift
After having suffered such terrible torments
Is now laid to rest on you like a bed
With your soft cloth you covered His Holy Body
The Holy Body which was torn and tormented
His Holy Head which was pierced, struck and insulted
His Holy Hands and Feet which were pierced with cruel nails
His Holy Shoulder which shone purple under the weight of the Cross
Oh Holy Shroud who soaked up the Precious Blood
Now worth more than the universe and everyone in it.
Who at last covered His poor exposed Body from the 
World which had caused Him so much humiliation
He suffers no more He is laid to rest to rise on the third day
He has gone to Hell and opened the gates of Heaven 
He will claim His Kingdom in the sky 
He will prepare a place where we will be happy
He will act as mediator between God and Man
But now His Body rests with you in this tomb 
You wrap Him like a gift, a sign that our faith is not in vain
When He leaves you and rises on the third day

But now stay with Him as He rests 
For so many men betrayed Him during His life 
And His Body only has you here with Him tonight.


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