What Sister Lucy SHOULD have looked like at the Age of 60 and What she "Did" look like. One of the Best Forensic Artists in the World Presents their Rendition. Again, No Problem Here!

World-Class Forensic Artist's Portrayal of Sister Lucy at 60

Sister Lucy II at 60 when she met the "sainted" Paul VI

We have asked for the help of a world-class forensic artist to give us an age-progression analysis of the face of Sister Lucy I, based upon the dozens of pictures we have of her pre-1950. The first sketch above is her rendition of what Sister Lucy, based upon all of the early pre-1950 pictures, would look like in 1967 when she would have been 60 years old. That is the first picture. 

The second picture is the picture of the woman, let us call her, Sister Lucy II,  as she looked in 1967 when she met Paul VI at Fatima on May 13th, 1967. 

In light of the fact that the artist is preparing their report on this matter, to be included in the general report on the Sister Lucy Case, their name and professional resume will be kept confidential for now. 


  1. The 2 Paul VI's theory appears even more convincing than the 2 Lucias.
    Have your experts commented on that?

    1. More convincing? No. Not at all. The 2 Paul VI theory is not convincing. All of the photos of the "two" Pauls look nearly identical. The alleged discrepancies of the ears and nose can be attributed to different angles and shadows. That theory is probably brought forward to distract from the REAL issue: two Lucias. Furthermore, the didn't need two Paul VI, but they did need two Lucys.

  2. Sorry, but what else is new? The Pope is an LGBT enthusiast, and undoubtedly a practicing homosexual, I haven't heard what you would call a meaningful homily in a year, and there are pictures of Francis grinning at you when you walk in the front door of the Church. And now the oictures of the person called Sister Lucy is a fake and a fraud. I mean, what else is new?

    1. "And now the pictures of the person called Sister Lucy is a fake and a fraud. I mean, what else is new?"

      ...'Just goes to show you that the "new" deceptions in the Church go back at least several decades.

  3. And yet people STILL adhere to the illusion that this EVIL novus ordo church is the Bride of Christ. Impossible her fruits prove her yo be the harlot church of the apocalypse.

    1. The authentic Lucia is believed to have been last seen alive by persons from outside her convent in 1957, and theorized to have died sometime within the next few years....so at least 10 years before the Novus Ordo Church.


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