Ever Expanding Sister Lucy Truth Investigation Expands to Include the Third Secret. Top Handwriting Analyst Is Examining Writings from Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II, along with the text of the Vatican-released "Third Secret" of 2000. We Still Need Your Help!


If this is the real Sister Lucy, then you have to also say that the Third Secret revealed in the year 2000 WAS the entirety of the Third Secret. If the woman captured on the video above, from May 13, 2000, was truly Sister Lucy then we can say that she completely endorsed both the revelation of this "Secret" and the contents of this "Secret." If she is an imposter, then the "Third Secret" of 2000 has ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY WHAT SO EVER. 

Sister Lucy Truth has commissioned one of the best handwriting analysts in the world to examine all the purported writings of "Sister Lucy" in order to determine whether the handwriting of the older diary entries and letters match the journal entries and letters of the latter "Sister Lucy." If it is not the same person, that will come through on her writing "finger-print." If will be a further means of verifying the existence of an imposter. It will also allow us to know if the supposed hand-written journal reference put forward as the "Third Secret," matches the handwriting samples of the known Sister Lucy, pre-1958. 

I think you understand the significance of such an inquiry. Sister Lucy Truth still very much needs your help for its work to establish, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, the fate of Sister Lucy of Fatima. 

Please send all donations to Sister Lucy Truth, a tax-deductible donation, to:

Sister Lucy Truth
4104 N. Murray Dr.
Otis Orchards, WA 99027


Donate through the side-bar accessed by clicking the three lines on the header of the RadTrad Thomist blog. You can also use Amazon Smile to support Sister Lucy Truth Incorporated. 


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